Summer is here, which means that it's also bucket list season. I'm guilty of it, you're guilty of it, and even your grandma is probably no stranger to the idea of a bucket list. Usually we fill these lists with things like "lose weight" or "go to the beach as often as possible." There's nothing wrong with trying to accomplish things like that, but from personal experience, choosing the same couple things to throw on my bucket list starts to lose it's fun when I can never cross it off. So if you're feeling stuck and need some real summer goals, here is a pre-made list for you.
Read, as often as possible.
It's summer, what else do you have to do after work or your internship? Grabbing a book and heading to your favorite outside hideaway is the most relaxing thing you can do on a summer night. Reading also gives you knowledge, and who doesn't love getting smarter?
Leave the cell phone in your purse (or pocket, guys).
Try to go a whole night without your phone. It's hard to properly enjoy a night out when you're tweeting about how much fun you're having instead of actually having fun (yes, there is a difference). Some of the best nights that I've had thus far in college are the ones where I've just left my phone in my bag. Trust me, it works.
Make as many new friends as possible.
Having a few close friends is great, but having a large circle of general friends is awesome, too. Talk to anyone and everyone. Ask them their story. Become their friend. The more friends you have, the less likely it is that you'll be bored and alone on any given summer night.
Travel, anywhere.
You don't have to make it a goal to "go to the beach." Just go somewhere. Get in the car with your new friends and go to the closest bordering state. See how far you can get on one tank of gas and hang out wherever you end up for the day. Find a hostel in a town you've been wanting to visit and go.
Get a hobby.
Updating your Pinterest board doesn't count as a hobby. Try to find something you're really good at and you really enjoy to keep you entertained in the off chance that you do end up bored and alone on some nights. Not to mention, having a hobby is good for you and makes you that much more awesome of a human being.
Get tickets to that thing you really want to go to.
If there's a concert coming up that you're dying to go to, save up a few extra dollars and just go. Same goes for a play or speaker or... Just about anything. You'll regret not going more than having to work a few extra hours to get the tickets.
There are so many more small things you can add on to your summer bucket list, but these are the one's that I feel are the best to start out with. These goals are simple and real and easily obtainable, so here goes nothing, right?