Too often, New Year's resolutions are bullsh**. We all make them and we rarely stick to them. 2016 was a rough one, I think we can all agree on that, but 2017 has me feeling optimistic.
As a college freshman who has spent four months on her own and learned a lot about what the world has to offer, here are some real resolutions that are actually feasible for college students. Because, let's be real, you can't always get to the gym every day of the week.
1. Actually get up for your 8 AM.
You signed up for it. You told yourself you could do that. There will always be more Thursdays to go out and party. Get to bed early, get your work done, and get up for that 8 AM discussion, you'll be proud of yourself when you see that A at the end of the semester.
2. Don't be on your phone during class.
You pay a lot of money to go to college. Each class has a price tag. Why waste it by checking Facebook or playing a dumb game? You'll have plenty of time to do that later. Plus, let's be real, the class is probably 75 minutes of your life. You can deal.
3. Let go of those friends who did you wrong.
It can be difficult to say goodbye to those people from high school who you thought were your friends. You're in a new place and you've probably found new friends who you connect with on a whole new level. It's okay to tell yourself to move on from those people who you didn't really click with. They aren't worth your time if they don't appreciate you.
4. Stop trying so hard to impress everyone.
You don't need to dress up for every class. You don't always have to have your makeup done. Unless you actually want to. Make sure you're doing things for yourself and not just to fit in with the people around you. College is the time to celebrate you and discover everything you can about yourself.
5. Don't feel guilty about eating a sweet treat.
Yes, the freshmen 15 is real. But don't hate yourself for wanting a cupcake or a cookie. You work your a** off all day. If you eat healthy during the day, walk around campus enough, and get some sleep, you're good. Don't beat yourself up over the calorie count. Enjoy it.
6. Spend less money.
It can be so easy to spend a whole lot the first year of college. There are parties to go to, concerts to see, Uber rides to cover and of course, plenty of food to buy. Budget your money each week. Maybe think about getting a job. Don't blow it all on a new phone case that you really don't need.
7. Read more books.
Think about how much time you spend reading Facebook posts, Instagram captions, or Tweets. How about channeling some of that time into reading a book or maybe even a news site. Keep educating yourself. Keep learning about the world around you. And if you're stressed, use reading as a means of escaping where you are.
8. Have some really unique adventures.
Odds are you're in a new place and there is probably so much to do, especially if you're in a big city. Instead of sleeping away the day on the weekends, recharging for the night to come, go to a museum, see the sights, or take a day trip.
You'll connect with your friends on a deeper level and you'll have some really neat stories to tell to everyone back home.
9. Tell people how much you appreciate them.
In a time where there is a lot of hate and fear in the world, don't forget to tell your friends and family how much you love them. Your college friends become your family and, let's be honest, they're the reason you can get up for that 8 AM class. And your family back home? Well they're the reason you got to find this college family. Be grateful for both.