With the new year ringing in, we all have undoubtedly promised ourselves we're gonna do better, try harder, and be more daring. Going to the gym more, studying longer to raise those grades, pushing your comfort zone just a little further with some things; all vows we are not unfamiliar with, but do we ever really stick to them? I don't know about your level of devotion, but mine tends to lack during this time of cold weather and dark afternoons. The "new year, new me" statement many of us toss around in a jokingly manner is a bold statement, but don't undermine yourself, my friends, you are really capable of doing anything with a little perseverance. Here are some guidelines, tips, and activities to help you achieve the most success you can this year:
1. Yoga and Meditation.
We all idolize the typical yogi, yet feel as though we could never live up to that title. You don't have to have mastered the side crane (crow pose) to find some peace and relaxation in this therapeutic activity. Attend a class at your athletic center, or at the nearest place; this could be as simple as taking time out of your day to enjoy silence, focus on yourself, and relax. On your own you could work on stretching, focusing on your breathing, sitting in silence to clear your mind, or even following a guided video online (https://www.doyogawithme.com) for free. Yoga and meditation are found to give you better sleep, more energy and strength, a better metabolism, and a better immunity. Something as simple as taking anywhere from a couple of minutes to an hour a day can benefit you greatly.
2. Do You.
The infamous "treat yo' self" phrase. Parks and Recreation owns it, but so should you. Don't forget that at the end of all those research papers and sports practices you need some you time. When was the last time you did something you loved? You, and only you, know what makes you the happiest and puts you at ease after a tiresome day; don't forget about yourself, treat yo' self.
3. Surround Yourself With Positive People.
No one ever had a good day with a downer. Surround yourself with positive energy; find the perks out of every flaw — I know it can be hard but try it- promise yourself a new perspective towards things. Socialize my friends!Enough with the you time, now we need some us time.
4. Enjoy the Outdoors.
Trust me, I'm totally on the same page as some of you with the whole nature thing. You wouldn't find me surviving in the wild overnight, but we should always take time to appreciate all that is around us. Take a walk, or even just find a quiet place to sit every so often. Appreciate the simple things, my friends, money can't buy this.
5. What Goes Around Comes Around.
Karma friends. Always make sure you're giving back, because in the long run when you need something in return it will be waiting right in front of you. Doing even the smallest favor for someone can leave you with an overabundance of happiness knowing that you made someone's day or helped in the slightest way.
6. Time Management.
Something we all promise ourselves we need to work on, but never get around to doing it. Maybe it's because managing time can sometimes feel impossible. I mean how do you know what you're gonna do and when you're gonna do it!? A little word of advice that I've found helpful, don't save things until the very last minute. I know we are pestered about doing this by teachers, parents, nearly everyone. Sorry to jump on the bandwagon but it's true, getting things done in time, and earlier, reduces stress and opens up the opportunity to do any of the activities listed above. You'll thank me later.
7. Read.
We may not all enjoy this pastime, but it's proven to benefit you greatly. Working as another stress reducer, reading is also proven to improve your memory, strengthen your focus and concentration, and serves as a mental stimulation (yup, your brain needs exercise too). Find something you take interest in and read about it, even if you close the book on the fourth page.
8. "You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important."
Appreciate all that you have, stop comparing! Once you begin to acknowledge all that you have and the amazing traits you possess, watch how your perspective will change for the better.
See, New Years resolutions don't have to be so hard now, do they? These are simple everyday things that can easily boost your level of happiness. A little motivation and a change of attitude can go a long way, my friends. With this in mind, 2016 has a lot of good things in store for you.