Senior year has finally come for some of us, even though it feels like it happened in a blink of an eye. One day we are living on campus, and the next we are ordering our cap and gown and looking on Facebook at couples who are getting engaged. Here is an honest list of what happens Senior year:
We know that it's senior year and that this year will be one for the books. We get ready to go to every football game, hang out with all of your friends and eat at Qdoba way too often. The first two weeks are pure bliss; everything seems so simple.
Football games starting being a weekly commitment and job fairs start rolling around. Suddenly, it's really important what your resume looks like, if you own business professional clothes, and you actually have to start applying for things. If you looking into any post grad schooling, this is the time where you start stressing about what score you might get and maybe start studying.
School picks up but re sparks your love for all things pumpkin (especially pumpkin spice lattes). Midterms are upon you so now you are juggling five things; school, friends, post grad plans, sleep, and exercise. It hits you that this is your last year and you have no idea where you are going to be in a year.
Some of your friends that are really cool have jobs lined up, the others are starting to stress. If you are applying to grad school you are probably anxiously awaiting either an acceptance or a rejection. You go home for Thanksgiving only to be pounded by questions about what you are going to do after May.
Life gets real stressful and hectic. Between the holidays and compulsively applying for jobs or post-grad schools, you barely have time to be social which is exactly what you want to be doing right now!
If you haven't cried about your lack of job offers or post grad acceptance about this point, it seems like you are now. The stress is real and every weekend is booked with visiting a new school or some sort of job interview. And you have to keep up with school. You now understand TOTS Tuesday on an emotional level.
Chances are you've probably heard back from something at this point (praise) and are starting to realize that you will have someplace to go after graduation. Your weeks and weekends get busier and busier when all you really want to do is lay around and enjoy your fun college friends.
This month is full of big decisions and realization that graduation is too close. You try to cram in last minute hang out sessions with freshmen friends and soak up your last club meetings. Your classes will probably get a little nostalgic, even though the workload will increase.
By some miracle you will walk across that stage and realize that you did it, and you are a grown up now.