With the new year rolling around, I know several of us are thinking, "what are our resolutions going to be for the new year?"
According to TIME magazine, most people choose to lose weight, quit smoking, eat healthier, or volunteer. These resolutions sound great, but also according to TIME, most of us do not stick to those resolutions.
I think this is due to the fact that people choose resolutions that take time to accomplish, and people want quick results. According to Huffington Post, it takes 66 days to begin a new habit-- that's more than two months, you guys! That means you would have had to begin your New Year's resolutions in October to get actual results.
Well, there are 12 months in the year and I believe you all can accomplish these goals if you put time, effort and passion into them. The list below will consist of resolutions that are modified so you all can accomplish the goals over the course of the year! Before you know it, you will be great in no time!
1. Get organized
My mom always tells me that the secret to accomplishing anything is to stay organized. And she's right, if you plan out your day down to the hour, you are able to remember your goals and tasks more easily. Accomplishing your resolutions really starts here.
2. Gradually exercise
Most people don't keep the "working out" resolution because it's such a general phrase. "Working out" can mean several different things from walking to bench-pressing, and most people don't want to do that. What helped me exercise more was going to the gym at a certain time every day for at least 30 minutes. After doing it for two months, It became a part of my daily routine and now I can't not work out!
3. Find something you are passionate about
Sure you can volunteer for anything, but human nature will not let you continue doing it if you don't love it! I discovered that I love talking to other people and hearing their stories, so I became a mentor to teenagers. I love it, and this program inspired me to get even more involved in my on-campus and off-campus community!
4. Add some healthier foods to your diet
instead of eliminating carbs and sugar from your diet, just add healthier options! Since last year, I gradually stopped eating beef and pork and implemented more chicken, fish, and produce into my diet. I have felt healthier and I rarely ever get sick! Eating clean is the key to a healthier self.
5. Clean up and you will glow up
Keeping a clean space will help you in so many aspects of your life! Learning to be clean can take some time, but it is totally worth it in the end! Like, you will actually be able to breathe!
To be a better you, you have to set goals and continue to work on them, even when it gets hard! It sounds tough, but anybody can put their mind to something and accomplish their goals! I will personally pledge to commit to my resolutions and follow through with them. The question is, will you?