What is life like when there's a possibility that your parent won't come home from work each day?
Funny you ask, it's just another day in the life of a Police family. My family isn't your typical family, we are the thin blue line. My Stepdad risks his life daily for people, some that appreciate him and others that absolutely hate him. But guess what?! He doesn't stop and ask what you opinion of Law Enforcement is, he just goes and helps the public. He's the shining light when you've been in an accident, when your business was just robbed, when your child has been found, or when your daughter was sexually harassed.
He is the blue line. The 1 percent of people who are willing to give their lives for anyone and everyone.
This world is f*cking crazy. Every single day my stepdad walks out the door and we don't know if we will see him again. A simple traffic stop could cost him his life. People are flat out crazy. White or Black. It doesn't matter. Male or Female. Young or old. People hate cops. Cops could save the world and there would still be people who hate them.
Now don't get me wrong, there are people who love and support Law Enforcement officers but there are plenty of people who hate them. It is always the bad things that make it on to the news. The Police officer that did wrong. The one "bad apple". But did you see the officer that bought a lady a car seat for her child so the child could be safe? That officer didn't write her up and send her to jail, he instead pulled money from his own pocket to help someone he didn't even know. Did you see the Officer that stops and plays with the kids in the neighborhood, just to show kids that cops aren't bad guys?
Before you get all mad, yes I understand there are cops that are bad. But there are bad teachers, priests and nurses. Every profession has the bad ones. People make bad decisions and they have to live with that, but do me a favor and don't clump all cops together. These are the peacemakers, the ones who will give their life for you, a complete stranger. You got pulled over and it was the "pig's" fault that you were in the wrong and you got caught. You got a DUI because you decided it was a good idea to drink and drive. I'm sure that was the cop's fault too because you were just fine to drive. Well, that cop just saved you from killing yourself or some other innocent person.The cops aren't the bad guys.You don't want to be shot? Listen to what the officer tells you!
It's honestly not that hard. Do what you are told and no one will get hurt. If something happens because you decided you didn't want to listen to the law, well guess what?! That's your fault. Listen to the officer and you won't get hurt.
Do you want your parent to come home from work each day? I can tell you I sure do. I want to see my Stepdad and his brothers and sisters come home to their families each day.
So let's start backing the police and stop making the criminals famous.