If you are reading this, then you have made it to the first few days of the Trump's presidency. For those who are waking up and tuning in, I regretfully inform you that this is not the Twilight Zone (Although most people would think otherwise) nor an alternative universe where Superman is a powerful dictator. This is America 2017.
The fact that Trump became president is truly of the highest grade of irony for this country. Many citizens have expressed joy in ushering in the apocalypse they oh so craved, while others are just, disappointed. I too was disappointed when Ashton Kutcher did not make his famous "You just got Punk'd America" statement right when we need him to. Before we enter this land and abandon all kinds of hope, here are some guidelines to survive at least the first 100 days. The rest of the presidency is up to us.
1. Intelligence will (almost) be a thing of the past. Do collect some form of information about what's happening.
This presidency will have one of the most inexperienced and under-educated cabinet members to take office. We have people from Rick Perry (Department of Energy) who doesn't even know the name of the very department he wants to dismantle, to Besty DeVos (Department of Education) who has a bad track record with Education in Michigan and has dodged more simple questions than when Neo dodged those bullets back in 1999.
Pictured here: The One...who should have run for president.
For those who don't watch the news or naturally haven't started watching the news recently, it is highly advised to take note and watch as to who has been assigned to these very critical positions. A majority of these people have either:
A. no experience in the department they were chosen
B. wish to dismantle every single policy in said departments
Therefore it is with great urgency that I implore you to gain some knowledge about the presidency and what the plans are for these next four years. The findings and results may scare you.
2. "It's going to be okay. It's not that big of a deal if Trump is president," said no right-minded POC, LGBT, Muslim, Woman and disabled person EVER! Don't falsely claim that things will be normal from here on out.
To my dear privileged population that do not fit the categories I have listed, please bear in mind that this is a very trying time for these people. Telling them that things are going to be OK is honestly salt in the wound. You're simply acknowledging to them that, you, the privileged population have nothing to lose or worry about and its a "no skin off my bones" passive-aggressive attack.
If his campaign trail has not set off any red flags that this man is not suitable for presidency, then by now all the red flags should be right at your doorstep and you can't walk out your house without stepping on one.
Unlike Obama, this Commander-in-chief has little to no regards for these people. His low consideration for these people has been proven throughout his campaign over and over and over and over and over again. This is a very stressful time for these people. So if you hear someone say it's going to be OK to a POC, LGBT, Muslim, woman, or disabled person, please stop them. Do not make this concern invisible much like our commander-in-chief is going to make these people feel.
3. The Whitehouse.gov website has revamped their page to where there's no page on climate change, LGBT issues, civil rights, and health care. Don't take this lightly because this will affect you somehow and will definitely affect others.
While we don't know in detail about what Trump's administration is truly going to deliver on (Mostly because he has absolutely nothing in writing about it, but "do have a plan" according to one of his faithful supporters.)
We do know that the things he wants to remove without a backup plan are not to be taken as a grain of salt. If there was not any alarms ringing during his campaign trail on how he has bashed some of these issues, then the alarms should be blaring at a splitting headache rate by now.
4. While you were sleeping or didn't watch the inauguration, policies are being made to repeal several helpful programs like (drum roll) Healthcare! In the name of everything that is humane and decent, please say something to your senators and governors!
I CANNOT emphasize enough how important it is to speak out on issues that will effect you! Just one hour into Trump's presidency, he signed off on reversing scheduled cuts to interest premiums on Federal Housing Authority mortgages.
In layman's terms, so many more people of the lower class won't be able to afford a home to sleep in, no matter how much they work and make. If you still don't get it, that's really, really bad! If it is a "We the people" democracy, then make like those people and speak up!
Be like the women protesters from the Saturday after inauguration. Stand up and speak out on the issues that matter to all of us. They, as in Congress, will eventually have to listen! This is not me demanding in hostility as a Black female liberal feminist, but this is a cry out for humanity from one human being to another human being.
Now that we got all of the basics covered, let us march forward into no man's land called The United States of America with Donald Trump as President and Commander-in-Chief. Remember, 2018 is around the corner. Mark your calendars to vote for a congressman/senate that will speak FOR HUMANITY!
Also remember, This is the same man that ran away from a woman's protest. The American people are more powerful than you think.