Now that the final week of my first semester has FINALLY come to an end, it's time to recap the roller coaster of emotions I experienced in a matter of 7 days.
Sunday: Me when I realized that this was the last week of the semester and I had to finally do all the work I had been putting off
Life Lesson Learned: Don't Procrastinate
Monday: I sat a made a list of all of the things I needed to get done by the end of this week. After I had my list, I took out my books to study and...
Life Lesson: Preparing to do work is exhausting
Tuesday: Friend: "Hey, did you already finish that assignment due tonight?"
Haha... yeah... I finished that ages ago...
Life Lesson: Stress eating is bad.
Wednesday: When I saw that my Spanish final was the same as the study guide I did at the last minute
Life Lesson: If your teacher gives you one, always do the study guide
Friends: "Do you wanna come hang out with us before everyone goes home for Winter break?"
Life Lesson: School work comes before friends, no matter how much you love them.
Thursday: When you get to leave campus and go home, but you still have a paper due
Life Lesson: Try to complete all of your work before you go home so you don't have to bring your work with you.
Friday: Family: "If you would have done your work when you were supposed to, you wouldn't have to do it over break."
Life Lesson: You don't think I know that? Just hug me, I'm struggling.
Saturday: When your least favorite professor sends out an email thanking the class for a great semester...
Life Lesson: BYE!
Sunday: When I have FINALLY completed all of my work for this semester
Life Lesson: Sleep all winter break because once you get back to school, you will be sleep deprived once again.
And that was my finals week.