For the past 12 years, Mom Brenda, or Mom B as she is better known inside the walls of Chi Omega, has been running the show. She has been there for her girls, ready to listen and talk about life and what they are currently involved in, since everyone knows sorority girls are giving time to more organizations than they have time for. Mom B loves the relationships she has built and continues to build each year with the wonderful women of Chi Omega. There is just something about having someone there for you to share life with that makes it all worthwhile.
Mom B explained to me the difficulty she faces with keeping up with her girls and their relationships. "I always have to be careful and make sure that we still like him every week," she said, explaining how being the only nice one in the house to a welcome-no-more boo-thang would be so un cool. I can barely keep up with a few of my friends. Poor Mom B has to keep up with hundreds.
When Mom B isn't catching up on the latest Chi-O gossip, she finds herself staying busy with keeping the girls behaving and healthy. Don't even try to get past her without shoes on when you're on the first floor; she sees you making eye contact and darting into the other room (not obvious by the way). Especially don't try to tell her you aren't sick or need couch medicine, like Alex Adkins did. Try as she might to refuse the nasty couch syrup, Mom B was determined. She forced it down Alex's mouth and topped it off with a cracker. Talk about caring. My mother would probably just let me get sicker and follow up with an "I told you so."
Mom B told me that she feels like she is "always surrounded by entertaining people. I get paid to be entertained instead of doing the entertaining myself!" I somewhat disagree with that statement based on the above story, but I am sure she just isn't giving herself enough credit.
As we kept talking, I noticed she kept touching on relationships and how important they are. Chi-O ladies, you better know how much your House Momma enjoys and loves your company. Of course, she will never but in conversations where she isn't welcome, but she adores getting to know what is going on with all of your lives, especially date planning for formal (she loves being behind the scenes!).
It was so heartwarming to hear Mom B speak about how much it means to her when the Chi-O alums come back after graduating and make an effort to see her. Even if it is just for a moment, its always so nice to see how lives have matured and moved on after college. She was surprised with a sweet note left on her desk not too long ago. It is stuff like that that makes her job so wonderful. "It's really not rocket science and no day ever holds the same things with all of the people I get to meet," she said
On a chilly day like today (and when I say chilly I mean I think my nose froze/fell off on my walk over to Chi-O), Mom Brenda warmed my heart with her contagious joy and love for what she gets to call her job. And with a big hug goodbye, I left feeling inspired to grow deeper in my relationships.