Real Haunted Houses To Get You Ready For Halloween | The Odyssey Online
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Real Haunted Houses To Get You Ready For Halloween

Ghosts aren't just something you see in the movies.

Real Haunted Houses To Get You Ready For Halloween

With Halloween just around the corner everyone is putting together their costumes and making plans for the big day that just so happens to fall on a Saturday this year. You may be going to a Halloween party or going on a haunted hayride or to a maze of some sort. You may not actually be doing anything at all and that's also equally as cool. But there are actually several places in the United States that are haunted in real life. Not just something you see in the movies but believed by some to be haunted. Granted not everyone believes in that kind of stuff but i you do here are some of the places to stay away from or if you're a dare-devil, to check out.

The Amityville House

This house was a home to six members of the DeFeo family who were found dead in 1974 by their oldest son Ronald DeFeo Jr. A year later another family moved in and quickly moved out because there were reports on unexplained paranormal activity such as strange odors, cold drafts and a ghost of a demonic pig like creature.

Myrtles Plantation

Located in Louisiana, this is considered one of the most haunted places in America.Since the house was built in 1797 dozens of deaths have occurred due to illness, poisoning and murder. Visitors have found that jewelry has gone missing, they've woken up in the middle of the night to find themselves completely tucked in, furniture that moves on it's own, a piano that plays itself and several other discrepancies.

The LaLaurie House

Home to Nicholas Cage from 2007 to 2009 located in New Orleans was home to Dr. Louis and Delphine LaLaurie in the early 1830s. Delphine was said to have treated her slaves brutally by chaining one to the stove, chasing one girl around with a whip and even having an attic where she tortured and mutilated them. Cage reports having heard agonizing screams from the slaves ever since.

Villisca Ax Murder House

This house in Iowa was home to six members of the Moore family and in June of 1912 the family and two house guests were found bludgeoned to death by an ax in their home. The murderer was never found but the house has been said to have child crying voices, a door that opens and closes on it's own and wandering spirits. Currently the house is a museum open for tours.

Farnsworth House

Located in Gettysburg, PA, this was a home to Confederate sharpshooters during the Civil War Battle at Gettysburg. It later opened a makeshift hospital and now functions as a bed and breakfast. Fourteen ghosts are rumored to haunt this house and one of them is a midwife Mary who likes to comfort guest by sitting on their beds.

Joshua Ward House

Home to Joshua Ward in the 1780s, located in Salem, Mass., was previously owned by Sheriff George Corwin who became known as "the strangler" during the salem trials in the 1690s. He was accused of killing most of the witches whose spirits are said to still reside in the house today.

Whaley House

The Whaley House is called the most haunted house in America located in San Diego. Ghosts are said to roam the halls since being built in the mid-1800s. if you've ever heard of the tales of Yankee Jim Robinson,a criminal who was hung in the house, he is said to still haunt the halls to this day.

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To My Loving Boyfriend,

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