Being an incoming freshman at a big university can be a scary thing. You’re moving away from home, leaving your best friends behind, and people suddenly expect you to know what you want to do with your life. All of these things can be pretty scary, but for me, one fear outweighed all the rest: gaining the dreaded freshmen 15. But don’t worry, that fear was as unrealistic as all my others. While I did not gain 15 pounds my freshmen year, I did gain intellect and knowledge that extends way past the lecture hall and that is what I wish to share with you today! So here is a true account of my real freshmen 15.
1. Changing your major isn’t a possibly, it’s a probably.
Go ahead and accept the fact that you may not be cut out to be a doctor or a lawyer, It's okay! Most people aren’t, but leave yourself open to any possibilities. Find what makes you happy and do it. It’s that simple!
2. Time management is everything.
Order a cute Lilly planner now so that it’s in before school. You’ll learn to schedule every moment of your life from when you wake up, to when you go to class, to bathroom breaks, to socials. Find a way to stay organized, or you’ll be overwhelmed fast.
3. You will realize that there’s no place like home.
Whether or not you’re willing to admit it, you’ll jump at the chance to go back home, even though you thought you wanted to run away for good. Home really is where the heart is, and you’ll find yourself missing it more than you expected.
4. Building traditions is way more fun that following them.
I know it's super cool to follow traditions that have been in place for years and years, but at some schools -- like South -- you don’t have to do something because some guy a million years ago did it. You get to be the person who makes the traditions that people will be doing for years to come. How amazing is it to be a part of something like that?
5. The frat house is where you find your next date, not your next boyfriend.
Trust me on this one. Enough said.
6. You don’t need that last shot, but take it anyway.
College is supposed to be the time of your life and if you do it right, it will be. You only have four years to make the best possible memories you can before you’re out in the real world with a real job and a real mortgage. So live it up while you still can.
7. Be smart when you go out.
There’s always creeps and dangers when you go out. So have a buddy, keep your phone on you, and use your head -- even when intoxicated.
8. Call your family.
Your family worries about you all day, every day. They miss you as much as you miss them, and they want to hear from you. Tell them about the test you just passed or the social you have coming up. It will make their day to hear from you.
9. You’re going to be exhausted -- all the time.
Whether you’ve been out drinking and are sitting in lecture with a hangover, or you have been at the library for the past 13 hours studying for a test which you’ll probably fail, be prepared to be tired -- a lot -- in college. Manage your time well and you’ll find time for everything, including sleep.
10. The night before an exam you’ll realize how important it was to go to class and regret all of the times you didn’t.
Trust me, when I say there is no greater feeling that achieving an awesome GPA on top of an awesome social life. It’s achievable, but you have to put in the work. Just try not to schedule too many 8 a.m. classes and you will be fine.
11. It’s okay to cry, sometimes.
You’re going to be stressed to the max, pushed to your limits, and drilled to the bit. Some days you’ll feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and you’ll probably have a meltdown. That’s okay! Cry it out until you feel better then pick up where you left off and keep going.
12. College is really where you find your bridesmaids.
I always heard this, but I didn’t believe it until I met my bridesmaids. They know who they are and if you’re reading this I love you all and am so blessed to have you in my life.
13. You’re a size small; however, your T-shirt should not be.
Also, while we’re on the subject -- don’t be the person who shows up to an 8 a.m. with your hair and makeup done and a cute outfit on; we all hate that person.
14. You get out what you put in.
Freshman year has been the most amazing time of my life, but I wouldn’t have been half as happy if I’d not joined my sorority or my other student organizations. Get out there and get involved -- you won’t regret it.
15. Time flies.
Freshman year is going to fly by and before you know it you’ll be back in your hometown reminiscing on the good times and praying for the fall. Don’t hold anything back because it’ll be over before you know it.
At the end of the day, after you’ve overdrawn your bank account, finished your fourth cup of Starbucks, or used the last $5 of bonus bucks, smile and take a breath because when it’s all over you’ll look back on your freshman year and want to do it all again because despite it being the craziest, scariest, most stressful time of your life. It was sort of amazing and completely worth it.