On March 1, 2017, an iconic event happen that shook the citizens of Earth who identify as Christian: Ash Wednesday! Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. For some believers, partaking in Lent is an important observance that results in a strengthened relationship with God and a greater appreciation for His gift! In the past, the Lenten season required participants to fast for the entire 40 days in preparation for the Revival on Easter Sunday. Today, however, many Christians give up something important to them for 40 days and many Catholics do not eat meat on Fridays, as well. Currently, we are about half way through this temptation-filled, trialling 40 days. As the finish line is in sight, I decided to make a list of all the emotions Lent observers feel throughout the season!
That feeling when...
1. You miss Fat Tuesday
How am I supposed to go 40 days with no ________ when I didn’t get a chance to indulge on Tuesday?
2. Everyone on your Facebook feeds says they are giving up Facebook for Lent
“Hey y’all I am giving up Facebook for Lent so this is gonna be my last post for 40 days! Keep me in your prayers as I try to grow closer to God and get rid of negativity!! See ya soon.”
3. You cave within hours of starting and have to change want you are giving up
My sister always says something like: “I am giving up dessert for Lent.” Then, a few hours later, I catch her eating a cookie, so she quickly says “I am giving up eating desserts after dinner for Lent.”
4. You realize that you are basically using Lent as a diet
It’s okay, God calls us to keep our bodies strong, so purge the cookies, brownies, white carbs, and soft drinks out of your life.
5. Non-observers try and tempt you
You will reconsider friendships. You will call TV ads the work of Satan if they tempt you. You will hide out in your room to avoid all the Satan’s around you that try and break you.
(This is an appropriate response to any and all temptation!)
6. All food establishments have the Oprah mentality!
Just since Lent has started, I feel like the dining halls are screaming: “You get a chocolate chip cookie. You get a chocolate chip cookie! You all get chocolate chip cookies and brownies and Flaan!”
7. Your birthday falls during the season
Yes, I will cheat. And, yes, I have already composed a prayer to ask for forgiveness the following days
8. Easter comes and you can’t help but bask in your strength
As the chocolate slides down the back of my throat, I remember the 40 days and realize that I am a champion. Immediately, my head starts spinning thinking of all the ways to work this victory in a way that makes it a justifiable addition to my resume!
Sometimes the real reason for the season is lost as we try and pinpoint things we want to do without. Maybe it’s a reason to diet, a reason to work out more, or a reason to spend more time with family. Whether it be a religious in nature or not, it is important that you lean on God and turn to Him when you feel tempted so you really get the most out of Lent!