A Real AF Guide To Rush
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A Real AF Guide To Rush

Here's to finding the perfect home away from home.

A Real AF Guide To Rush

Before going through rush, I heard the most outrageous rumors from "they only give you a bid if you're a double legacy" to "some sororities ask you if you were a slut in high school." Looking back, hearing all of these rumors made me way more nervous than I was before. So if your planning on rushing this fall, I'm sure you're feeling just as overwhelmed as I was. So here's a guide to making sure you have the best rush experience possible.


-Letters of Recommendation: They're not necessarily mandatory, but recs do matter. People may tell you not to worry about it or that sororities don't even look at them, but recs let the sororities get to know you and what you bring to the table before they even meet you.

-Check Your Social Media: If your Instagram or Facebook feature pictures that your grandmother or boss wouldn't approve of (Ex. you doing a keg stand), then chances are that sororities won't approve of it either. Active members look at your social media prior to rush, so go through your social media accounts and make sure everything is appropriate.

-Plan Outfits Ahead of Time: If you're rushing at a big university like I did, then you may be having to endure nine tretouse days of rush, and, trust me, you're not going to want to be choosing your outfit when you wake up the first day of rush at 5am. Also, wear clothes that fit your style: if you don't like Lilly Pulitzer and pearls than don't wear Lilly Pulitzer and pearls.

-Pack Your Purse With Essentials: Always carry a handheld fan, chapstick, makeup, oil blotting sheets, hairbrush, mints, hair ties and bobby pins, Advil, flip-flops, umbrella/rain jacket, water bottle, and snack. You never know what you're going to need.

-Familiarize Yourself With Sorority Vocab and Greek Letters: Hint, the "Phi" in Alpha Phi isn't pronounced the same way as it is in Phi Mu. For a complete list of recruitment vocabulary click here.

During Rush

-Be Yourself and Smile: After being greeted by a doorway full of screaming sorority girls, you'll most likely be paired with a girl who has your same major or has something else in common with you. Just be yourself and talk about what you enjoy. Remember to be engaged in the conversation (or at least act like it) and smile. These girls have worked so hard to make sure you have a good experience, and your resting bitch face and negative attitude isn't going to make them want to invite you back.

-The "Three Bs": Boys, Booze, and Bible: the three topics to stay away from. Steer clear of any controversial topic that may make you look bad and make others feel uncomfortable. The girls talking to you want to have conversations with the real you but keep it appropriate.

-Take Notes: After leaving each house be sure to write down your impressions, who you talked to, what you talked about, and a ranking out of ten. With so many sororities and the fast moving pace, without keeping notes you may forget which house you loved verses the one that was sub par.

-Have an Open Mind: If you go into rush determined to end up in one specific house then chances are you are not going to enjoy rush. Go in with an open mind. Meet all the houses and girls until you make your final decisions. Don't be too upset if one of your favorite houses drops you. If they drop you it's because they think you would thrive more in another sorority.

-Get To Know Others: Girls in your Rho Chi group are going to be your best friends this week because you're all going through the same new and exciting experience. Also, talk to the girls in line with you while you're waiting to go into houses. It'll not only relieve the stress, but it'll allow you to see what other girls the sorority is interested in. Look around, meet people, and see if you could see yourself being in their pledge class.

-Don't Listen To Stereotypes: Every university going to a have certain stereotypes of each. Whether its the goody goodies, partiers, druggies, or the girls who sleep around, if you go in with an open mind and actually connect with a sorority, then go for it despite what their stereotype is. You aren't going to want to be in a sorority just because they're known as being the "good girls" if you don't connect with them.

-Don't Be Pressured: It doesn't matter if your mom, sister, or friends are trying to get you to pledge a certain sorority. Take a step back and think about if you actually like the sorority itself apart from those pressuring you. You're not going to be happy in a sorority that you chose just because someone else wants you to be in it.

To Bid Day and Beyond

Whatever house you end up running to on bid day, I'm sure it's the right one for you. Rush is one of the situations where you have to "trust the system", so rely on your notes to choose your rankings during voting and just let it happen. Even if you open your bid and see the one sorority you didn't want, still have a positive attitude and an open mind. You don't want to be that one girl crying because she didn't get the sorority she wanted. Those girls chose you for reason, so give it a chance before you drop out.

I would never have met the amazing friends I have today without my sorority and it's the best decision I could've made for myself. Have fun with it and get ready to meet the friends you'll have for a lifetime. So here's to finding the perfect home away from home.


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