With Election Day right around the corner you want to make sure you are informed and ready to make the biggest decision we as American citizens can make- voting for the President of the United States. Here are a few reasons to get excited to cast your ballot on November 8th!
1. You get to to exercise your Constitutional right to vote. Too often we take this for granted. Blood, sweat, and tears were shed to allow every U.S. citizen over the age of 18 to vote. Do not let those who died and fought for all genders and ethnicities to be able to cast a vote be in vain.
2. You have the ability to use your voice to make a difference. Each individual has the opportunity to take a stand and support their parties candidate. It is the time that every citizen, no matter income or social status, is on equal ground. Words cannot express how inconceivably cool that is. Every single person in our nation (over 18) has the power to vote for the ideals they want to live by, the policies that they agree with, for the America they want to live in. We the people have the ability to mold and change our nation as we see fit.
3. You get a sticker! Okay so this is a bit trivial but who cares. Stickers are so cool. You can even follow in the steps of celebrities like Zoe Kravitz or Katy Perry and post a picture on social media to let the world now that you care for your country enough to vote.
This is just a friendly call to action. Please vote, it is so important and impacts every single one of us. Vote for yourself, vote for your family, for those who died so that you could have the ability to.