Any constant reader of my articles knows I love to read. And every book lover stumbles upon GoodReads, a social network dedicated to reading, reviewing and discussing books, eventually.
Here are tens signs you might be addicted to the site.
1. When you try to go to Google, typing in “goo-“ makes Goodreads pop up first.
Yes, a social network dedicated to reading totally overthrows the world’s biggest search engine. It’s called priorities, look it up.
2. You feel a sense of terror when you’re even one book behind on your reading challenge.
My goal this year is fifty-five books and despite reading up to four books at any time, I still managed to fall two books behind. Please send help.
3. You update your reading progress every five seconds as if you’re live-Tweeting your reading.
Yes, everyone needs to know that I’m crying over a character’s death with a super vague update so that I don’t spoil the book for everyone else. Don’t judge.
4. You update your status even when you’re not reading, and GoodReads is slowly replacing.
Again. Bookish people are more fun and therefore need more updates on my life than the rest of you peasants.
5. You spend more time reading reviews of books and adding them to your TBR than really reading.
I can sit on Goodreads for hours reading reviews of books, I especially love trolls who one-star books for no good reason. And it’s because of reading the thoughts of trolls for hours that I’m behind on my reading challenge.
6. You have the app.
This one might seem like no biggie. But if you have the app, you know it’s a terrible app and to have it shows true dedication to your bibliomania.
7. You scan books’ barcodes on the app every time you go book shopping to see their ratings before you buy.
This is one I’m super guilty of. I scanned a book I was interested in one day and saw it had two and a half stars and practically chucked it back on the shelf.
8. You pray for the day the site lets us rate by the half star.
Because a four-star rating is too generous, but a three-star rating is harsh. JUST LET ME COMPROMISE DAMMIT!
9. You have several specific shelves aside from the “Read,” “Want to Read,” and “Currently Reading.” Some of your shelves are even creepily specific.
I’m not guilty of this one, but I have seen users with some pretty wild names for their shelves, such as one called “Bite-Me-Whip-Me-Chain-Me.” I don’t think I need to explain what kinds of books are on it.
10. You actually vote in the GoodReads Choice Awards every year.
I’m sorry, what are the Oscars??
Happy reading!!