Read this when you’re feeling insecure. I wish you didn’t have to compare yourself to the millions of others you walk past everyday. I wish you never had to feel threatened. I wish you never wondered if you were better would things have worked out, if you were better looking, or maybe more exciting. I hope you every time you look in the mirror you don’t just see flaws and imperfections. I pray that every day isn’t a battle with yourself, that you find the courage to see that you above all else deserve your love more than anything else on this earth.
You see-- it's only human to feel insecure, it's OK to admire others for what they have or the beauty they may possess, but it is never OK to doubt yourself and all you have to offer. You are only from the inside looking out, you are never the person on the outside looking in. So please trust that the views from the outside looking in are just as incredibly beautiful as the views from the inside looking out.
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You don’t see the way your eyes light up when you laugh, every crease and fine line that appears from millions of moments of joy. You don’t see the beautiful grace that you possess while you do simple gestures, like hold the door open for others or wish a stranger a good day. You don’t notice the gentle ease of comfort you bring to your loved ones when you hug them or spend your precious time with them. You can compare yourself to every photo you see on Instagram and question your own image looking back at you in the mirror, you can read countless others' tweets and consider yourself not as funny or clever, but for one small second please stop. Push those degrading small thoughts out of your head, take a deep breath and understand you are your own unique creation that has so much to offer in this world.
Stop telling yourself if you were better looking, or if you were funnier or smarter things would have worked out for you because honestly things are working out just as they are supposed to. It has nothing to do with your looks, your social media popularity, or your image because every part of you is perfect. Everyone is capable of doing amazing things no matter who they are or where they come from.
So read this when you are feeling insecure and remind yourself that there is so much about you that only you have to offer, only you can provide, and trust yourself to do those amazing things. You may never see what others see in you because we are only human and as humans we spend all our time focused on what is around us rather than what is within. So take this moment to look within, see all the amazing lives you have already touched, things you have accomplished, beauty you truly posses, love yourself, feel whole because you are you, and that’s the most beautiful thing you can be.