College years are all fun and games until you get to that point in your life when you realize one major thing:
You need to get your shit together.
Careers, your love life, your future. It hits you one day that, shit, in a few years I'm not going to have the college luxury life of doing whatever I want, whenever I please. The sad truth is, that's what's called reality. But the good part is that you don't need it all figured out... for more than just one reason.
You're young. It may seem like all of this is coming at you fast, but it's not. It's actually coming at you at about 2 mph. You haven't even graduated college yet, so why are you thinking about where you'll live in the next 5 years? Not one person in this entire world knows what their future looks like, so why start planning every little detail that you are unsure of?
Worrying about it is a waste of your time. Focusing on boys, future responsibilities and every last detail of your future in general is taking you away from the here and now, whether you realize it or not. Focusing on the what if's will not allow you to take in every moment you have right there in front of you. You have only a few more years left in college, if not less, so why would you want to waste another second?
The present is the only moment you have control over. People tend to think more about the future rather than the present, it's part of being a normal human being. Everyone wants to know what's going to happen rather than what's happening right now. We as humans seem to have a very difficult time living in the moment and instead like to have a solid plan. The problem with that is that one thing always gets in the way of a plan: life.
Life works on its own and puts itself together on its own. Life works in mysterious ways and seems to find the missing pieces of the puzzle for you. My mom went to Colorado on a limb after college with no job and no plan in mind. That's where she met some of her best friends and my dad. All things happen for a reason.
So rather than stressing about what is to come, focus on what's in front of you. Don't get me wrong, don't leave college without applying to jobs or not knowing anything about living on your own. Save money, look for something you love to do as a career, and invest in yourself. Plan your future as you feel necessary. But never feel as though your future will not happen without a set plan.