In the everyday buzz that goes on with all of us, yes you. The one reading this article because you see something that is relatable. We all have these crazy thoughts that go through our minds as well as being insecure about certain things in our everyday lives.
With being said, let's jump right into the swing of things.
The things that I have found myself thinking about lately is my health and love. Two of the most talked about topics at family gatherings and group texts with friends. We all get the same spill every. single. time. Like, we get it. We are alone and a little on the chunky side, now please leave me alone, Sharon. It is just the smallest things that we can take with us and really put a damper on the way that we behave and react to others asking us those close things, such as, how is your health? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you exercising? Are you dating? When are you ever going to settle down and stop spending money like you are Beyonce? My question to all these questions is, why? Why are these the main things that individuals ask us on a daily basis? Why is the first topic of discussion always whether we are being more active in our health and our love life?
We may never have the answers to all of these questions for the Sharon's and the Jim's at the family gatherings, but we do have the right not to answer directly when we are uncomfortable with the question at hand or really just do not want to be bothered with the constant nagging.
So my challenge to you my friend is to not be so worried about the small things in life. Health and love are things that we can see as a priority but we are in such a specific walk in life that we necessarily don't need for it to take up so much time and space in our minds. So next time you see someone running on the sidewalk or a couple holding hands walking to class make sure that you know you are valued and loved no matter what Sharon at family gatherings seems to think. You got this now go rock it out!!