Everybody needs a little motivation when getting back in the swing of things. Whether it be school, your job or starting a regular routine sometimes you just need a little cheering up. Everyone has rough days, some more than others, but sometimes it can be cured by a quick fix of hearing some encouraging words.
Whenever you think you can't do something, take that thought right out of your head and throw it in the trash. Think of the amount of time where you told yourself you couldn’t do it and it ended up being one of your biggest successes. Here’s a small list of quotes to get you through your tough days:
1. “You didn’t come this far to only make it this far.”
All of the hard work and hard times you’ve gone through in your entire life would all be worth nothing if you decided to give up now. Keep pushing ahead and moving on to bigger and better things. Set goals for yourself and every single time you hit a road block remember how bad you want it.
2. “Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself and be somebody no one ever thought you could.”
The more people doubt you, the more it should make you want to do more. Continue to succeed and get to the point in your life where you are so well known that everybody will already know your name. Make your goal to be able to prove everyone in your life wrong that once pushed you down.
3. “If you want something you’ve never had, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.”
Stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to any type of immense achievement. Although you may be scared and fear the idea of failure, it can only benefit you in the long run. The more you force yourself to do something you’ve never done; the more opportunities you will come across. Be unique. Be different. Stand out.
4. “Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.”
This, out of all, is the most important. Don’t have a small mess up and mistake it to be the end of it all. No matter what happens you can always come back from it and improve. Sometimes when bad things happen, it ends up turning into being the best thing for you. Lessons can always be learned and can only help you get better and move on from there.