Read This If You Miss Myspace
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Read This If You Miss Myspace

An article by Ratha David Loun

Read This If You Miss Myspace

Myspace was the first social media I had ever signed up for. I believe it was the summer before sixth grade, and I was introduced to it by way of my cousins. It was very entertaining. Myspace was like the common area in your dorm, where everybody came to hang out. I could see what my friends were up to, how their summers were going, and I could even get an ego boost out of this as well through interactions with my “friends.” I would rush to get home and log onto Myspace in hopes that I would have new notifications. Immediately after school was when nearly everybody on my friends list would be online. You knew who was online because when they were, it had an orange avatar radiating with green ripples next to their name. I would read every bulletin posted, in hopes that I didn’t read a chain mail one that I would have to repost in fear of its consequences. Does anybody remember those? There was one specific that had me shook. It went something like you walked into a room and nothing was there but when you walked back out, there was a clown with a knife waiting to kill you. It didn’t get any worse for me. Friend requesting people was an experience worthy of anxiety in itself, because you were able to see when they last logged in. If you saw that they logged in after you sent your friend request, but you two still weren’t friends, it was tragic beyond belief. Boy, that was the original curve. PC4PC, layouts, and even the top eight, those were all a part of the Myspace experience.

Another major part, at least of my, experience, was the surveys that I posted in my “About me” section. I did this so people could really get to know me (the me I wanted them to know) without them having to read long paragraphs. In homage to those days, I recently did a random Myspace survey, and it was nostalgic beyond means. Anyways, read about me because I’m selfish.


Ello' what's your name?

Ratha David Loun

How old are you?


When's your DOB?

April 22nd

Who's your lover?


Where are you from(hometown)?

Apex, North Carolina

Do you still live there?

I do not.

If not, where do you live currently?

Charlotte, North Carolina

Is it a nice place?

I enjoy it, the city isn't too bad. It seems a bit small after a while, but that’s one of the many perceptions that time inevitably changes.


What is your favorite color?

Pink, yellow, and grey

Your favorite song?

At the moment, my favorite song has to be Come Thru and Chill by Miguel. So smooth, makes me want to invite someone I haven’t seen in a while over so we can relive our past. If you haven’t heard it, check it out, you might like it.

Your preferred genre of music?


Favorite saying:

"Do what it do."

Who is your favorite person, ever?

Ratha David Loun

What is your favorite activity/thing to do?

I enjoy writing and recording music a lot. Also having conversations at 3am with women I am interested in. It's the best thing in the world.

Why so?

It's the feeling of having someone to stay up with when it seems that the whole world is asleep.

Do you have a favorite movie?

Yes, Good Will Hunting. Incredible, incredible film.

Your favorite book/book series?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. There’s a little bit of Charlie in all of us.

Do you have a favorite memory?

Not necessarily, but I have ones that I would like to relive again.

[lets talk more serious.]

How do you feel about our current president, Obama?

The coolest president ever.

Why is that?

He listens to rap and he shoots hoops on occasion. I feel like he is a phenomenal father as well, not saying other presidents weren’t phenomenal fathers, but I’ve got to keep up with him over the years.

What is your view on abortion?

I say it should be up to the mothers to decide.


It's their body, they are entitled to that.

Do you believe in global warming?

Yes, if Bill Nye says something, advice is just to believe him!

Do you believe religions often dislike other religions?

I believe it creates more tension, but not necessarily because they dislike one another.

How about our economy, will it ever improve?

It should, there is a trend to these types of things.

How do you feel about immigrants?

My family immigrated here, I'm all for legal immigration.

Why do you feel like that?

America should live up to its standards by being the land of the free and the land of opportunity.

Do you think we still have serious problems with racism?

Yes, it is very much alive in today's society.

[do you prefer]

Sunshine or clouds and rain?

Rain, there's few things better than a stormy night. I hate the wind that comes with storms at times. It scares me lol.

Tea or coffee?

I don't drink coffee, so tea.

Fruit or vegetables?

Fruits hands down, but veggies are also good for you. WATERMELON IS THE BEST FRUIT BY THE WAY.

Twilight or Harry Potter?


English or math?

English, I love reading and writing.

Science or history?

Science, but not college level science.

Emo or gothic?

There's a difference?

iPod or Zune?

I actually owned both at one point, and I would like to say that I preferred Zune. Zune had artist bios when you played their songs, it was much more appealing visually.

Laptop or desktop computer?


Green or orange?


Guitar or piano?


Rock or rap?


Black or white?

Depending on my mood, but black most times.

Alone or in a relationship?

If I could be alone in a relationship, then that would be ideal.

Nintendo wii or xbox360?

Wii, I love Wii bowling like no other. If anybody wants to step up and challenge the Norm Duke of Wii bowling (me), email me at, come get this work.

Rich or in love?

The money, easy lol. I can't trust these women at this point in my life.

[more personal side]

Do you love anyone?

Yes, a number of people.

Ever felt lonely?

Of course, it's only human to feel lonely at times. The key is to never allow yourself to feel so lonely that you are dependent on the attention of others.

Ever been truely depressed?


Are you emotionally strong?

I would consider myself to be.

Does the world see you the same as you see yourself?

I would be extremely humbled if they did. Bless.

What's different/what's the same?

The difference is that things can't be the same the second time around.

Ever been in love?

I would say so.

What school year was the worst so far?

None, just like assorted jelly beans, they were all good to me.

[it gets pretty random from here]

How many people can you say you truly trust?

My mother says not to trust anybody fully, and as a true momma’s boy, I’m always following her guidance. TRUE.

Are you listening to anything/ what?

Yes, You Should Be My Girl by Sammie.

Drop a lyric:

"Don’t fall in love matter fact don’t fall for nothing." - Ratha David Loun

Any plans for summertime?

I have plans to liberate myself and write meaningful compositions.

Who did you last comment on Myspace?

Yoooo, that was years ago, and I honestly do not remember or have any idea of who it could've been.

Who are they to you?

Probably a close friend.

Who do you tell everything too?

Bagel The God

How's your hair right now?

Long, very long.

Do you think change is good or bad?

Change is a good thing. It forces us into acceptance.

Are you different than you were 5yrs ago?

Five years ago I was a starry-eyed kid from Apex with dreams and goals, now I'm 23 with enough courage to chase them.

Is the change better or worse than 5yrs ago?

Better no doubt.

Do you have a crush on anyone/ if not, why?


Are you understanding of other people’s situations?

Yes, I would say so.

Say goodbye:


Forever in our hearts, we miss you Myspace.

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