Before you go out and cast your vote in this election I urge you to do one thing…really think about who you are voting for and why. A lot of people are about to decide who is going to be the most powerful person on the planet and it should not be based off of what party they identify with. You as a voter should be looking at the policies that they are going to implement and what that will mean for you and for the economy. You should not be voting for Trump just because he is a republican. You should be voting for Trump if you agree with him. The same applies to Hillary. You should be voting for her based on her agenda for the country, not because she isn’t Trump. Throw out what your parents have told you, throw out what you hear from your friends, and throw out what you hear from everyone around you. Really sit down and do your research on the controversial issues facing the candidates, such as, Benghazi, the sex charges facing trump, the email scandals, the trump university scandal, etc. Do not go blindly in to this election and vote based on peer pressure from your friends and family. Do not pour into the bias things you have heard on from FOX or CNBC. Get the facts about the issues without the bias strings attached. Just because Trump or Hillary says something confidently does not make it true.
The future of our country lays in YOUR hands. Are you going to make an irrational choice that you will have to live with or are you going to make a logical one that is not driven by propaganda? This decision is yours and yours alone.
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