Horoscopes are the latest social media trend. Through text posts, tweets, and info-graphics, accounts can garner gargantuan amounts of likes, shares, and retweets across the board simply by appealing to astrology. Readers who identify with what is being shared about their sign, their partner’s sign, or their friends’ signs feel compelled to share the post and pass along the message, furthering the popularity of the account or website from which the post originated. You can even find "how your sign would ask someone to prom."
Horoscopres come with their own range of stereotypes. Many people believe astrology to be false, a fraud, not real, or a whole slew of other disreputable terms. However, I would argue that whether horoscopes are real or not, reading yours is worth your time…and here’s why:
I have read my horoscope on and off since elementary school. I read about my zodiac sign through various written forms, online and in print. I even look for my sign in the one-size-fits-all memes that are posted all over social media. Yes, I am a virgo, so golden retriever is my sign’s dog breed. Yes, my sign’s 90’s movie is The Sixth Sense.
Some horoscope sources rate my day before it begins. My manager unfortunately does not find “The Portland Press Herald says I’m going to have a one-star day anyway” to be an acceptable excuse to call out of work. Sometimes my horoscope offers me guidance and sage advice. Yes, I will tackle that new project at school. You’re right; I should try a new organizational system. Good idea, Dailyhoroscope.com. Thank you! Sometimes I even get to read about the state of my nonexistent love life. No, my significant other is not “lifting me up.” He doesn’t exist. I’m lifting myself up…thank you very much.
However, no matter how inapplicable my horoscope may be, I read it religiously. Reading my horoscope offers me a brief time for self reflection during which I consider the state of my affairs. When I’m too caught up in stress and drama, my horoscope can be a reminder to consider and evaluate a different aspect of my life, such as my career development or academic pursuits. The advice, whether seriously drawn from the stars or a “scam” to appeal to all people, is good whether the intention is legitimate or not. The guidance and self-knowledge that reading my horoscope provides me with helps me steer my actions in a clear direction that improves the quality of my life.
Whether you believe in horoscopes or not, those that read them are not “crazy,” “misguided,” or “naïve.” Sometimes judging people for believing in something is more misguided than believing in something wrong. Horoscopes may be just another example of fiction in a world pervaded by lies and fraud, but for those that follow horoscopes and believe in them, they offer wisdom and comfort that is irreplaceable. Believing in something is a great place to start in furthering one’s self-awareness.
I choose to read my horoscope with the belief that zodiac signs and their associated advice and commentary are real, but the understanding that the system to which I subscribe may not be correct. I choose to embrace astrology despite the lingering questions that surround the system because following my horoscope gives me the time to self-evaluate and provides me with advice and wisdom that help me work to improve my life every day.