Spring semester, the countdown until summer begins. By mid-May, the last day is ticked off, and freedom is ours for the next three months. Or, ideally, it is. Maybe you’ve graduated, and the reappearance of bikinis and temperatures over 80 degrees isn’t as dramatic as it used to be, but let’s face it, there’s still an expectation behind the word summer. I think this is misplaced.
Come June, July, and August, we’re all either just as busy as we were during the colder months, or we’re bored out of our minds. (Unless you’re rich and vacationing all summer, and in that case, please disregard.) Maybe this never-ending summer fantasy was relevant when I was much younger, but now it seems distant.
But what does the never-ending summer actually mean? Something must be good if we don’t want it to end. However, for me, it’s as if the spring never ends, the fall never ends, and the winter never ends, if we’re strictly talking about my workload and schedule. What is it that we cling to, hoping it’ll last forever? And, more importantly, how do we make this things remain with us throughout the year?
I’ve compiled a list of things we’re actually hoping for when we say we’re wishing for a “never-ending summer”.
Pleasant Weather/Time Outdoors:
In the Summer, we go to the pool almost daily, go on exotic vacations, and appreciate the flowers and the sunshine. However, the outdoors offer things to appreciate in every season, and it no longer feels like a surrender to Hades when leaving the comfort of air conditioning. In the Fall, there’s the gradient of yellow, crimson, and burgundy that we observe as the leaves decay. (We all love Fall because everything’s dying.) In Winter, there’s the first frost on the grass, already melting by the time you see it, but the sunrise is reflecting off the ice and you don’t care that it’s cold. Things start to die in autumn and they’re gone by December, but we don’t mind because it’s beautiful. Spring is a common favorite for the opposite reason; buds peak on the end of twigs and burst into flowers slowly, then all at once. There still may be frost in the morning then just enough sunlight to tease the flora to try once more, but, again, we don’t mind because it’s beautiful. There’s things Mother Nature has to offer for each season.
The Attitude:
Everyday’s a party. You can go out any night, and hang out with friends at any hour. You may even literally bend down to stop and smell the roses, or the sunflowers. Despite my assurance that I remain busy during the Summer, I can’t deny that this “Summer Attitude” is something I possess. How to preserve these vibes? It’s all about living in the moment. I’ve found my work will always get done, but people are not constantly available. You can’t put them off for later when it’s more suitable. Why not go out on a Tuesday if you don’t have to wake up early the following morning? (Or, if you’re like me, you go out whether you have to set your alarm for next day or not). Instead of stopping to smell the roses, stop and enjoy the crisp breeze. Stop and take an extra savory gulp of your coffee. Simple enjoyment of life should remain a priority despite the seasons.
The Aesthetic:
Oh, how I hate this word! It’s so overused, but it’s exactly what I mean. In summer, we put on our best, whether it’s for parties or just grabbing ice cream. The bright colors, sun-kissed skin and hair, I love it all. Though it’s not quite practical to wear sandals and daisy dukes in freezing temperatures, there’s no reason to stop finding beauty in how we choose to dress. There’s freedom in wearing clothes that you love. A few quirky cold weather favorites of mine include clear doc martins, fluffy headbands, and colorful tights! Seasonal change is no pass to stop caring about your style. Finding enjoyment in your look is truly preserving the summer attitude: enthusiasm for each day, portrayed through an effort to look cool. (Except, in January, we’re trying to look warm.)
Maybe it’s easier to not dread September when, like me, autumn is your favorite season, but hey, the bugs and excessive sweat will soon disappear, so how much can you really complain? There’s nothing wrong when it’s finally chilly enough to wear a sweater. I celebrate when I get to add an extra blanket to my bed because sleeping is so much better that way. As long as you make a conscious effort to implement fun into the cold weather months, I bet they won’t be as bad as they used to be. We’re all so busy nowadays, that the word “summer” is no longer analogous to vacation; thus, relaxation and fun are no longer bound by seasonal constraints.