Early last week, it was announced that the Little Brown Publishing Company would be bringing out an eighth Harry Potter book this summer. You read that right, an eighth. And not only that, it’s being published on July 31, which is Harry’s and Queen J.K. Rowling’s birthday. Fans around the world were freaking out because it brought Potterheads back to the magical world where it all began. Here are a few to the various feelings that were felt when the big news was broken:
Extreme disbelief and wariness because it seemed too good to be true.
Incomparable joy when you found out it was REALLY true.
The emotions pouring out of you.
Remembering the feeling of newly discovering the magic and can’t wait to do it again.
Celebrating with your friends.
Telling the whole world like, “Did you hear the good news?!”
Forcing Muggles (people who don't like Harry Potter) to care.
And then reading the J.K. Rowling’s Tweet about what the book will actually entail.
(Which Read....)