Last week was a difficult week, from class work to voting and then the results of the 2016 Presidential election. I guess from the time the election results started to come in along with all the hateful rhetoric said during the campaign, I knew that Donald Trump would win the election. Even though Hillary took the lead in some states, I had a deep understanding that it wouldn't be enough. Trump played on the fears and racism of today's society and used it to his advantage. He used our insecurities and our weaknesses against us. Maybe not against us, but he did use them to his advantage, as would any other candidate running for President.
At first, when I found out that Trump won the election I was in shock. I wondered how could someone who is so racist and sexist win the election. I wondered how someone who has made fun of veterans and disabled people on live TV could win the election.
However, I remembered not everyone has the education and beliefs that I have. My education has taught me to see the oppression that people face every single day of their lives. My education has taught me to notice and speak out when I see oppression happening. My education has taught me to develop and hone what I see as important. Some people are not as lucky as I am. Some people do not go on to get a higher education and so they aren't used to questioning the "man." They don't see how they directly influence society. They just follow society and don't realize that they are making the system worse–that they are partially to blame for the racism, sexism and homophobia. I'm not saying that having a higher education will teach you these things, but what I am saying is that you can learn to question why things are the way they are and form new thoughts because of higher education.
At this point in time, it's been almost a week since the election, people are protesting, being harassed, threatened and are even suicidal since the results were released. Countless women have reported men saying that they have a right to "grab them by the pussy." Sexual assault and harassment have increased drastically since we, or should I say the electoral college, elected Trump to be the President. Not only are women being attacked but also Muslims and gays. Kids are going around telling other kids that they will be deported. People are being told they can't be themselves because they will get hurt.
This is not a world I want to live in. I don't want to live in a world full of hatred. I want to be able to walk down the street with my girlfriend and not have to worry about getting beaten. I want to someday be able to marry a girl and not have my life threatened because I exist and want to love a girl. I want to be able to have access to the medical things I need as a woman. I don't think my basic human rights should be denied because of who I love or because I am a woman. This election has scared me. Deeply.
I do however have hope for the future. I have hope that we as a country can come together and learn how to love each other. I hope we learn how to truly and selflessly care for other people. I hope we can all work together to solve the issues that face our country.