1. What are you going to do after college?
Here come's all the questions you will get to answer a thousand times this season! Your answer is I HAVE NO IDEA! Sure I have hopes and dreams but those all rely on lots of other things. I am just taking my life one day at a time right now. Graduation. All I need to think about is graduation. Following immediately after graduation I will be drinking champagne... celebrating myself.
2. What job will you get after school?
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3. So where will you be living?
4. What's your major again? Will you even make good money or get a job with said major?
Ok. I'll tell you my major. Yes, I will make money. Ya rude butthead. I'm selling kitten mittens. Of, frickin', course, I am going to be successful.5. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I am happy being single. Leave me alone with the food and alcohol. Thank you very much.6. How's your ex?
Why? Why did you have to do that? You don't just bring up and ex like that man.
7. How's your life?
It's fine. Really it is fine. You know just trying to get a normal amount of sleep, get good grades, graduate, workout, eat healthy, find my soulmate, save money, travel, have a social life, and find a good job. Life is great. Really. Such a breeze.8.How are you?
Yeah, again, I HAVE NO IDEA. Just maybe let's not talk about me or direct any attention to me now.