"You're living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed -- what the hell do you have to lose?" These were the words of Donald Trump in Michigan last week. Usually when Trump says his off the wall remarks I just let it go through one ear and out the other but this time I couldn't. The things that he said about African Americans replayed in my head all day, and the fact that CNN kept showing the clip every five minutes did not help either.
Every single thing that he said about us in Michigan is a stereotype. It is how some people of other races see us. They think that we are all broke and live in poverty. They think that we are uneducated, either by choice but really its because we don't have the schools and resources to know otherwise. Then on top of that, they think that we are broke and unemployed. I am tired of politicians and anyone else for that matter, labeling all African Americans under those stereotypes because they are not true.
Everyone is not uneducated,unemployed and in poverty. Are some African Americans in those unfortunate situations? Sure, but along with other races too. See, poverty or unemployment does not discriminate by race. Some people circumstances are more difficult than others. As African Americans we literally have to start at the bottom of the barrel and fight our way to the top, unlike other races who naturally have the upper hand.
So, what exactly do we have to lose? Our dignity, integrity, and pride. Real blood,sweat, and tears were shed to get the things that we have like the small apartment and beat up car that you may symbolize with being broke. What I see are people who are working against the odds set against them to get things that are easily accessible to others. So while Donald Trump is trying to sell us his fake reality of helping the black community, I am positive we will continue to stand together and know that we are worthy of more than what he is offering. The hateful tone, name calling and nonsense that is being thrown around in this political campaign is worrisome and mind boggling. Millennials, we have work to do on the political front!
So, no it may not be the newest car or a two-story house with a picket fence and a family dog, but guess what? Its a start, and whether you believe it or not we will get that car and house without your pity. We've been doing it for years and we won't stop now. But first and above all else, we must stay informed and have the knowledge to know that our black community is far more than what Donald Trump or any other pundit has to say that talks down to our race. Don't talk at us with negative, discouraging words but speak to us and engage in a positive conversation on how we can all be uplifted, no matter the race.