I do not think that I have ever been this afraid in my life. There has never been a time where I felt like the choices of my friends and family would directly impact the rest of my life as they are now.
I'm finally allowed to vote. I will exercise that right to vote. However, I will not be voting for Trump. I will not be voting for a man who says things like "And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything," or who mocks someone who has a disability. I will not sit by and watch as he calls Mexican's rapists and says they are taking all our jobs. When in reality, these people do the jobs that Americans refuse to do. They pick the food that we eat for very little each and every day. They do this because they are trying to make a better life for themselves, but they are trapped in a system of oppression and they are not able to actually earn a living on the low wages they earn. They have no protections. I will not vote for someone who has said that he does not like people who were captured in war. I for one, do not want to live in a world where someone has the power to tell me that I cannot marry the girl that I love. Donald trump has said time and time again that he does not support gay marriage. He has even said that he would consider appointing people to the supreme court to overturn the laws on gay marriage.
I am very afraid for what the future hold. I am afraid that one day we will all wake up and realize that we have made a horrible choice if we elect Trump as our President. I am afraid that the world will punish us for electing him as a President. He will not help "make America great again" because to be honest, America has never been great. We have enslaved and killed millions, from Native Americans to people of color. We have a dark history, but the only way to go forward and not relive those days of hatred and segregation is to elect someone who truly cares about everyone. I want someone who not just says they care about women, or people of color, or LGBTQ+ people, or Native Americans. I want someone who acts and shows that they care about people. I want someone who believes that everyone has a right to be free and has a right to practice whatever religion they want.
People came to the United States because they wanted to escape religious persecution. They came to make their lives better for not only them but their families. Everyone in America, except Native Americans are immigrants. If we allow Trump to be our President, we will not be "making America great again." We will be making America a laughing joke of the world. We will be making one of the worst mistakes we could possibly make. We will damn ourselves.