A Reaction To Our Nation's Most Recent Tragedy | The Odyssey Online
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A Reaction To Our Nation's Most Recent Tragedy

Let it be known that I am still recovering and cooling down.

A Reaction To Our Nation's Most Recent Tragedy

Sign a petition. Call your state’s electors. Share stories. Talk to Trump supporters and challenge their heinous, mislead views. Be active, be peaceful, be unyielding in your cry for freedom, justice, democracy, progress, equality.

Oh, where to begin. The outcome of election night (or morning, roughly 2:30 a.m. ish, when Wisconsin was claimed, Trump) left me and approximately 52 percent of American voters infuriated, confused, angry, embarrassed, and a myriad of other negative emotions all at once. However, the other 48 percent had tears in their eyes, but tears of joy, ecstasy, zealous glee. How could a country be so divided, so polarized, you may ask. The answer is that America is not the greatest nation in the world, nor is it the greatest place to live. I don’t say “anymore” because America has never committed to the ideals we bragged about to the rest of the world. We are the petulant, snobbish child in the family that really shouldn’t be so proud of itself. We claim we are so democratic, so open-minded, a place where people should look to and want to live there, a superpower, an idealistic society, civilized. Instead we are crashing the Canadian immigration site, we are chanting “build a wall” in schools around Latino children, we are berating gay people, verbally and physically, we are telling women that we can grab their genitalia. The fact that about half of us voted in Donald Trump overturns any claim to greatness.

We are not great and we will not be great with Trump and Pence in the White House. For those that didn’t vote, didn’t register to vote, voted for Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, or motherf*cking Harambe, you are to blame. For the majority of middle class, economically-comfortable, white men and women that voted for Trump, as well as his other supporters and voters, you are to blame. The difference is, the latter group that openly voted for Trump chose to pull the trigger against this country’s temple, the former group that indirectly voted for Trump by not voting for Hillary, however, decided to close its eyes as the chamber was being loaded.

When you have horrible people like the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, or the current leader of Russia, thug and former KGB member, Vladimir Putin, openly congratulating Trump for winning the general election, that should raise a red flag, or a gut feeling, or a red flag impaled in you gut.

What infuriated me before the election and what is infuriating now are the groups of people, Trump supporters, as well as pseudo-liberals, who don’t think things through. Before the election these groups claimed it was an election where you had to choose between the lesser of two evils, and for the Trump supporters it wasn’t even that difficult. To Trump supporters, Hillary was evil and Trump was their salvation. This is blatantly, objectively untrue.

Deciding between two evils means that there can be a comparison made, a number of relative negative qualities that the two people represent, display, that are prevalent to the voting population. Everyone claimed that Hillary was a liar. She lied about the emails and then apologized. They wanted her in jail for the emails. When the FBI concluded their investigation, they found nothing incriminating. Nothing. All that was revealed was that she had been a government nerd who was great and meticulous about her job. Wow, what a news story; Clinton still a hard-working politician even after 30 years.

Now let’s review Trump’s resume of revolting scandals. I will keep it brief because I am sure to list them all in detail might actually convince some people how he is so horrid. Trump has never apologized for one of his scandals during this campaign season, except for his abominable comments about grabbing and sexually assaulting women because he can. He wants to strengthen our borders because he claims Mexico is sending us their rapists and murderers. He has made fun of the handicap. He believes the way to stopping terrorists is to go after their families which is an international war crime, which the Geneva convention explicitly forbids, and ironically is the number one method to produce more terrorists and fuel they use to indoctrinate/brainwash poor young people to becoming terrorists in the future. He has also picked Mike Pence which, when you look at what Mike Pence believes and votes for and proposes, is a further reflection of the poor character and low ethical standards Trump has. Pence has consistently demonstrated in Congress that he does not care for the rights of the LGBT community and if Trump is lying to you saying that he will maintain and promote their rights, remember what his chosen Vice President elect has said about that.

Aside from their hate speech and intolerant rhetoric, they are really dumb. Pence doesn’t know that smoking leads to cancer and death? Is that even an issue Trump supporters can contest? I wonder if they were given a lie detector test and asked their positions that Trump and Pence supported, would their answers be truthful, or are they just pandering. Wrong, it is the two men in power pandering to the 48 percent. Trump is dumb but not as dumb as some of the people that voted for him. Look, he was even quoted saying this in the 90s when he said if he ran for office it would be for the republican party because of how “stupid” they were, that they would believe anything.

But half of America doesn’t want to hear this because they too have been/are brainwashed. They too have removed themselves from our world, the reality we inhabit. Facts don’t apply to them and they would rather choose what they “feel” than make an objective based decision on the future of their country. Maybe when Trump stands trial for thirteen cases of molesting and sexually abusing women, one of them, a 13-year-old girl, the Trump supporters who are married, have children of their own, will think twice before endorsing this pathological lying, indifferent, sociopathic pig. But then again, maybe not. Maybe this is the universe trying to balance itself out. After eight years of Obama, a president with such poise, so articulate, so much calmness and warmth in his heart, we must endure one of white supremacy’s last stands in this “Christian” nation.

Before Trump was nearing 270 electoral votes, I was confident that this country was about to take another giant step forward for equality of all. I love this country but now I am forced to love it even more because half of the people don’t see that they are encouraging its demise. Instead of breaking down another momentous barrier, this time for women, we have taken one thousand steps back. It was my vision that after we elected a woman president, history would be repeating itself. Because just like black men first got the right to vote before women, so did the office of the president be theirs too; as racist as this country is, it is more misogynistic. We will have a women president, and then another president of color, and then maybe a president who is a member of the LGBT community, and finally, when this country is ready to actualize its progressive ideas and step out from the rusty, conservative, chains that bind us, we will elect an atheist president. Until then, enjoy the freak show, as America’s closet is being thrust open and all of the skeletons come out to dance in front of us.

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