Election night in America is one of the most tense nights in our country -- Especially in this election. It's the night that our future is decided the night where we find out who the next president will be. This election had people on the edge of the seats anxiously waiting to find out whether Trump or Clinton would become president. The following memes show what election day was like:
1. These were really our options?
I know for many there was still the astonishment that our choice boiled down to these to. Some people already knew that they were going to vote for either Clinton. Nevertheless there were many people who did not want to vote for either. Some of these people voted third party for either Green party candidate Jill Stein, Libertarian Gary Johnson or, if you lived in Utah, Independent Evan McMullin. Overall people were overwhelmed as to who to vote for.
2. Harambe for president?!
I completely not wanting to vote for either candidate but there is no reason that over 15,000 votes should have went to a dead gorilla. I get the statement that those who did this was trying to get at, but this was a waste of votes seriously. The right of suffrage isn't something that people should take lightly or make a joke out of.
3. Those who didn't vote
To those of you who didn't vote at all I feel like you have no right to complain at all. It is a disgrace that almost half of those eligible to vote chose not to. I understand that you didn't like either candidate but voting was very essential in this very election you could've at least voted third party. This also says a lot about the candidates running. none of them got 30 percent of the votes which is sad.
4. Trump winning the presidency
It's 2 am and I'm still following the election. Then i realize Trump is FOUR votes from winning the Electoral college while Clinton is 52 votes away. I'm sitting on my bed like "Trump needs one more state and then he's president" (Unless he had gotten Alaska which only has 3 electoral votes so he would have needed another). At that point I couldn't even bear to watch anymore. I closed my laptop knowing that when I woke up in 5 hours Trump would be the President-elect. I had no feelings I just felt numb.
4. The Next day
I woke up feeling ashamed, I couldn't understand how someone got elected who basically ignores the basic human rights of so many communities. I was outraged so many people are fearing for their lives, their families and the friends. i saw heart breaking video after video of children -- CHILDREN crying and even sobbing over fear that their families would be separated when Trump officially get's sworn into office. Then I became infuriated when I read article after article about the increase of racist acts towards not only African Americans and Muslims but also to Asians. Then came the Facebook post where I saw pictures of white people wearing black face making "retarted faces" with their confederate flag proudly hanging in the Background. Also the post of members in the LGBT community literally being assaulted just because of their sexual orientation. For one assaulted not to far from my own neighborhood a rock was thrown at his face where the person who threw it yelled "TRUMP 2016" and then drove away. Not To mention his VP wants to take money out of the funding for HIV/Aids treatment and use it for a Conversion process and believes that it's perfectly fine to electrocute gays to turn them to heterosexuals.
Is this really what America is coming to? Why must people live in fear for their lives? This a huge step backwards and the complete opposite of "Make America great again" Why can't we acknowledge that we are all human and deserve the same basic humane rights? Where has morality gone? That my friends is my reaction to the Election of 2016. May God be with us all.