Take a moment to read this.
Whatever you are going through right now, I want to tell you to stop covering up your true feelings. If you are completely happy right now, I want to encourage you to continue to spread your happiness to other people. You never know how much your positive energy can encourage someone to keep going.
But still, chances are that not everything is 100% okay with you, and happiness does not last forever. For that reason, feel free to save this article and read it whenever you need to. There is nothing wrong with holding on to a piece of writing containing an encouraging message.
To the overwhelming majority of you readers who have something bothering you, here are my wise words.
No matter what you are going through right now, I want you to live your life for yourself. Stop hiding your true feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety, or whatever else you may be feeling. Tear down your wall. Whether it may be obvious to you or not, somebody does want to be there for you. Chances are, you already know who can go to with your problems. If you do not know, either try to identify someone you know well, or have the courage to open up to somebody who you believe will want to help you out. There are few feelings better in the world than helping somebody out in a positive way. Give somebody a chance, because they too might be struggling to find somebody to open up to as well.
This may be hard for you if you have put all of your trust in somebody, but certain events occurred that caused the two of you to drift apart. The higher you climb up that friendship wall, the longer and harder the fall will feel. As long as you gave them everything you could, you should not regret anything. Remember, life is not always fair, and people can change for better or worse. Our time on Earth is full of ups and downs, and losing friends is just as big apart of life as making them. Do not try to impress your peers by going out of your way to do a bunch of nice things. It is okay to show them that you care, but your true friends will love you and appreciate all of the little things you do for them unconditionally.
However, it is important to understand what you should not base your happiness on. Do not base your happiness on grades, money, relationships, likes/follows on social media, or your career path/job. This is not the be-all end-all list, but all of those things are materialistic and can change in an instant. Simply striving for success in those things will only cause you to start a race that has no finish line. The sooner you realize that there is no end, the less time you will waste running the endless race. Also, never look for approval from strangers. That itself is very dangerous to begin with. The truth is that you will never be able to accept approval from anyone else until you can learn to accept it from yourself. Never doubt yourself, because you are capable of reaching heights higher than the stars in the sky. And even then, not everyone in the world will like you for who you are. People have different motives and opinions that may not match up with yours. It does not mean that you are right and they are wrong, but life is too short to worry about the negative things others have to say. There is a difference between criticism and negativity.
No matter what gender, race or sexual orientation you are apart of, it is important to remember that everyone is human. We all make mistakes, and we all face our own personal demons. Still, that should not stop you or anybody from expressing their true feelings. If you are trying to run from things in order to have others approve of you, stop. You are worthy enough to be loved. Being authentic is something that is important. The biggest reason people do not want to be authentic is that they want to hide their insecurities. Bottling up emotional is both unhealthy and extremely painful. That is why you should not bury them. Females, do not be afraid to punch a pillow repeatedly. Males, do not be afraid to curl up and cry. Neither action may follow your typical gender behavior, but nobody should hold those actions against you. If somebody is picking on you for cleaning your real emotions out of your system, that is them being mean, naive or arrogant. None of which you can simply change by taking your anger out on them. Let them take the time to figure out that lesson for themselves.
Lastly, be who you are. Chase your own motives and dreams. No matter what you may be chasing to seek success in life, it is meaningless if you have no ambition to want it for yourself. We only get to have one life on this Earth, and we should not waste it on things that make everyone else in your life happy except yourself. One day when you reflect on what you have done with your life, you may realize that you lived your life for others. Hopefully you get to live a long life, but the people you likely lived for will mostly be gone, and you won't ever have a chance to live your own life again. That is why it is important for you to live for your life for you.
The first time around.
Feel free to share this message with somebody who might need to hear it, even if that somebody is yourself. Every little bit helps.