"There's something about those Bulldogs," an older man said to me as he walked past.
It was the beginning of the playoff games. The future for my Bulldogs was looking very promising. We won, 3-0, against the Raptors. It was just the beginning. Little did I know that I would be traveling with the Bulldogs all the way to Hayesville, North Carolina for the fourth round of the 1A Conference. The ride was extremely long (12+ hours) but incredibly worth it to cheer on my Bulldogs. Voice faltering, I did not stop cheering. These girls are my best friends, and I wasn't ready to let them down.
The first set went over, playing to 30 points, where each set usually ends at point 25. My voice was gone already, but I didn't stop. Taking a sip of water, I cheered at the next point won, louder than ever. We were stronger than the opposing student section, who was five times our size! There were eight students total to cheer the girls on, compared to a good 30-50 students (not counting fans, spectators, etc.). Memories were made on that bus trip, from getting a friend confused on a joke for an hour, to enjoying the mountains basked in fall colors. It was such a fun time, and I am so thankful for getting to go.
The volleyball season ended on a sad note, with our team losing at the Regional finals to the Spartans. It was a tearful ending to an amazing season, and I'm thankful for being able to watch this group of amazing people play their hearts out, game after game. I cannot wait for next season to see what we can do with an awesome group of upcoming eighth graders who just won their Middle School Conference Championship. We just may be unstoppable!