R.B.F. stands for Resting Bitch Face, and it’s something I have suffered with for as long as I can remember. I don’t know why, but whenever my face is relaxed I look mean or judgmental (like a bitch). I guess normal people look happy or okay when their face is resting, but I’m the exact opposite. Friends who I have now told me when they first saw or met me, they were afraid of me – that I looked intimidating and mean. I’m not alone when it comes to this condition. There are some celebrities who are famous for their R.B.F., like Kanye West, Rihanna, or Kristen Stewart.
If you suffer from R.B.F. you know the struggle. Normal faced people just don’t understand us. We are not mad. We are not pissed. We are perfectly fine. We just have a syndrome that makes us look unhappy. People always give us nasty looks, are rude to us for no reason, and give us comments on how to be happier. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me “Are you okay? You look pissed” I would be worth more than Donald Trump. Or better yet, my personal favorite, is when someone tells me “smile, it will make you feel better” – actually, I feel great, so can you leave me alone, you creep.
Sometimes R.B.F. has its perks. People will always move out of your way. You never have to worry about strangers trying to start up awkward small talk with you because your expression says it all – don’t. And, people know not to B.S. you because everyone is always a tiny bit afraid of you.
Despite the few perks, this condition can become a real issue for us because people find us unapproachable. I guess, because of my R.B.F., I have a sign over my head that says: DO NOT ENGAGE WITH. Didn’t anyone ever learn “don’t judge a book by its cover”? Don’t judge me by the pissed off expression on my face. I can’t help it. I have tried the whole ‘subtle smile’ while relaxed, but then my face cramps and I actually do become angry.
I hope to raise awareness about R.B.F. so the next time you are standing in line to get your coffee and the person next to you looks royally pissed, you won’t think “wow, that person looks like a total bitch”, but instead think “maybe that’s just their face, they could be really sweet.”
I’m sorry, I was born this way. I can’t change my face. It is what it is. I’m really am a nice person, I swear.