We've all been there, one day you're walking around feeling like you're having the best day every, outfit on point, eyebrows on fleek, suns out guns out, it's all there. Except you pass your friend and they ask you what's wrong. "What's wrong? Why would you think something is wrong?" "Well you're just looking a little grumpy today."
My name is Lauren and I suffer from RBF, also known as Resting Bitch Face. I have suffered for several years, but have managed the cover it up by wearing bright spring colors and masking my face with makeup to make my face appear more chipper. This article isn't about me though. This article is for those among us who don't wear clothes, who can't wear makeup, those who are always looking a little bit grumpy and you just don't know why. That's right, this article is for grumpy cats.
You're probably thinking to yourself "Look at that cat, all entitled to being pet. Staring at me till I feed him. Why so grumpy, sour puss?" Nay! I say nay! This is simply an exhibition of a cat case of RBF, or as I like to call it, CRBF.
Look at this angel. He has just won a lifetime achievement award! Who could possible be grumpy about that! And yet our society mocks this poor cat's perceived attitude on his face. Did anyone ask him how honored he felt to be at the Friskies? No. We just assumed.
This whole situation sounds a little too familiar, am I right?
Society thinks they can fix your RBF, but once again I must say nay! What's in a face? If a rose had a different expression, would it still be called a rose? Probably not, and that's what's wrong with people today. Embrace the RBF!
Someday you might even get to share your RBF with the president, seems like it all worked out for grumpy gymnast girl. Keep calm and resting bitch face on, because there's no better way to express your face, than however it decides to rest.