Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2
The movie embodies what the entire series is about. In the end, Harry is willing to die to save all of his friends and family that he loves. He has been working his entire life up to this moment in facing Voldemort and the action and love that come from this movie make it 100% the best film out of the series.
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
This is 2nd because this is where everything begins to fall into place. Draco becomes a Death Eater, Dumbledore dies, Voldemort comes to power and Harry is more confused than he has ever been. This is one of my favorites because it sets us up for one of the biggest redemption arcs of the entire series. We see Snape as the biggest enemy at this point but we later come to realize all of this was for him to protect Harry and to bring Hogwarts and the Wizarding World to justice.
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1
I think this one would have been 2nd but the fact that it is just the Golden Trio in the woods the entire time searching for the horcrux is kind of boring. Don't get me wrong it is one of the best ones, but the middle is kind of boring. Towards the middle the film picks up and it becomes really action-packed and gets the most gory we have seen so far until the final film. One of the most heart wrenching scenes is between Hermione and Bellatrix and that is one of the reasons I think this movie is so far up. It shows the determination the boys have to save their friend and how gruesome the Death Eaters (especially Bellatrix) can be.
Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix
Order of the Phoenix gets such a bad reputation I think. Everyone says that this is the most boring film out of them all, but I disagree completely. I think this film sets up the last of the films and the tone of them because this is where some of the biggest pain is endured for Harry. Once Sirius dies, he turns into this strong character that we have grown to see as someone who is quite a whiny character throughout the movies. After this tragedy occurs he flips the switch and his now the strongest Harry that we have seen so far.
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
This film used to be my favorite one, but just like Chamber of Secrets, I have watched it too many times and now it has become boring for me to watch. The plot of this film was one of the best and it really still is an original favorite of mine, but I can't let it be my favorite anymore because I have watched it the most out of all the films.
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Azkaban is definitely when the films started to change for the better. They started getting their dark aesthetic and changing up the tone of the films. The only reason why this one is so far down is because of the middle of the movie. I know this is how it happened in the novel, but I can't stand to go back and watch them do the same thing for a second time, it drags the movie on for so long and that is why it is so low.
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
This is one is in the bottom just because of how many times I had seen it, it has gotten repetitive and I can't stand to watch it anymore unless I need to.
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone
I think this film is definitely the worst film out of them all because it really just did not film well. I found myself bored at some parts and it definitely isn't an exact replica of the book, none of them really are, but I think this film was very cheesy compared to the rest of them. I think the production company did too hence why Chris Columbus was fired after this.
Happy watching!