Studying for finals this semester has been ROUGH. I don't think I've ever studied this much in my entire life and I absolutely despise studying and discovering how unprepared I am for my exams. So, I've compiled a list of 10 things I would rather do this week than study for finals.
1. Spill hot coffee on myselfÂ
Yup. I'd do it.
2. Close my finger in a doorÂ
I can't fill out my scantron with broken finger...
3. Blow my savingsÂ
Bye money. I worked hard to earn you but i'd gladly give you up if I didn't have to take these exams.
4. Actually pay attention through-out the semester
Guess it's a little late for that...
5. Trip and fall in front of everyone in the lecture hallÂ
There might be some comedic relief in that.
6. Drop a plate and make a scene in the cafeteriaÂ
Again... all for the sake of a good time.
7. Basically any form of public humiliationÂ
I'm here for a good time, do whatever you want if I don't have to study anymore.
8. Step on a legoÂ
Oof. Told you I'm serious.
9. Bite my tongue while eatingÂ
Please, I'll do anything.
10. Wake up 10 minutes before my alarm goes offÂ
Seriously. Can someone please just study for me.
Maybe some of these are a little dramatic... but honestly, not really. Good luck on finals everyone, the semester is almost over!