Our generation ruined the word party for me. When I was a little girl and I heard the word party, I thought about a birthday party.
I got excited about the cute little invitation my mom showed me from our mailbox. The invitation would reveal the theme of the party such as disney, superman, or an animal themed party. Not the invitation that was posted on Facebook where 2,000 other people were invited and the theme was to wear anything but clothes. When I was little, the party host provided cute snacks and punch. But, the punch was not full of five different kinds of alcohol and labeled "jungle juice." The birthday parties were real, authentic, and there weren't any tricks or funny names to hide what it really was. A party meant there would be fun games like pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, wheel barrow races, or water balloon games. Now, a party game is anything with the objective of seeing how drunk everyone can get or how many girls a guy can get.
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Birthday parties used to have fun music on that we would run around to and jump up and down. Not "grinding" music that says just about every curse word in the book, while degrading women in every lyric. Remember when we would get so excited to see what was in our goodie bags that we got to leave with? Well, how come now it's the guy who can't wait to see what girl he is going to leave the party with?
After a birthday party being a kid, you go home with nothing but smiles. You wake up the next morning excited to play with your goodie bag from the day before and tell all your friends about the party. Now, the night of the party scene means going home and throwing up all night. Then you wake up in the morning with a huge hangover and have to ASK your friends about the party.
Don't get me wrong, I love to be social and meet new people. But, I really don't think that has to entail drunk girls, sleezy guys, cops, and lots of throw up. I think you can have a good night with a few friends and make memories you will actually remember the next day. I love my friends, my family, and myself enough to know that the "party scene" is not somewhere I want to be. So, today I would rather be at a 5-year-old's birthday party.