Adopting children has always been something I've thought about. I was never fascinated by the pregnancy process nor the hours of painful pushing. I've gotten a lot of ugly looks from people when I tell them I'd rather adopt. It doesn't phase me much.
Besides, I'm not at that stage in my life yet. I still have a lot of time before having my own children.
I do not want to ruin the body I am working so hard for. Fitness is really important to me. It always has been, whether it was through dance, cheerleading, or the gym. Everyone's body is different. Some may go back to what they were before their pregnancy, and some may hold onto stubborn fat and permanent stretch marks for the rest of their lives.
I am not willing to put my body through nine months of strain and lose all the muscle I have worked so hard to build.
I want to live my life as full as I can before having children. I want to prepare myself to be financially stable before I have a child. I have travel aspirations that can be reached only if I am not burdened by getting pregnant.
I want to live MY life before I raise another human being. I shouldn't have to put my life on hold so I can raise a baby.
Taking the adoption route will allow me to decide when I am ready to raise another human being. I can adopt at whatever age I would like to, preferably after I've traveled to my dream destinations and have lived my life fully. I was given an entire life to live. I will feel almost guilty for not living it to the fullest before raising a child.
More people in this world need to live for themselves and not others. Do what YOU want to do.
I was never a baby person. I have never felt "qualified" to hold, feed, or change a baby. I get anxious and nervous. Babies are fragile, and in all honesty, I don't trust myself. Yes, I know there are motherhood classes, but that is nothing compared to a real-life newborn. I am afraid to do it wrong.
I want to skip the baby phase. I am hoping I can adopt a child from six to nine years old. This way, they are still young enough to be taught right from wrong but also old enough to feed themselves, go to the bathroom, and walk. I would feel more content with myself if I started there.
Lastly, giving a child a real home is what matters the most. I can't imagine being stuck in a foster home and being thrown around to multiple families who just send me back. I want to give a child a permanent home, somewhere they can be happy and live a normal childhood.
A lot of people have said to me, "Well, don't you want a child that is biologically yours?" The answer is NO, I do not actually. I would much rather know that I am helping in the community and helping the child rather than knowing they are biologically a part of my family.
Family isn't based on bloodlines or skin color. It's based on feelings and love. As long as I love this child, it will be my family.
So, for everyone that has given me ugly looks and snarky remarks, I don't care what you think. I want to live my life before having a child. I don't want to jeopardize their childhood because I may not be financially stable. I want to give them a proper, loving home.
If you have something to say about my future decisions, I am, once again, kindly asking you to keep your comments to yourself.