This year, I had the chance to take the Myers-Briggs Personality test. Going into the test, I didn't really know what it was or what my results could be. But, when I received my results, I was not the least bit surprised. I am classified as an INFJ personality type. I wasn't sure what it meant at first but I looked into it a little more and it was almost scary how accurate the result had been.
INFJ stands for Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging and is the rarest personality type, representing only about 1-2% of the world's population. INFJs can always list the things they’ve left undone but have a hard time counting their accomplishments. INFJs prefer thinking about weighty issues to talking about them and often feel caught between the desire to express their opinions and their reluctance to offend people. They are often referred to as "highly functioning introverts" because they are not completely introverted or extroverted.
As I continued to read more and more about this personality type, it almost seemed as if these definitions of the personality type were explaining what is going on in my mind to myself. So, in an effort to try to explain my rare and twisted personality to the world, I did what any normal person would do... I did a Pinterest search and found the following quotes.
1. An INFJ will only open up to those who feel like home.
2. INFJs are intensely moved by live performances and often enjoy hobbies such as writing, photography, reading, and music.
3. They sometimes feel as if they have no true personality because their personality changes depending on who they are with.
4. INFJs would much rather be alone or in a small group and immersed in something they love than be in a large, upbeat crowd.
5. They are sensitive to conflict and often do not handle it well. This often results in the INFJ's problem with learning to just say "no".
6. INFJs write a lot better than they can speak. They often feel that they word that they choose when speaking doesn't adequately represent the meaning they had intended.
7. They are always looking for someone who will understand them and notice when they are not saying all of the things that they are thinking.
A simple Pinterest search reveals quite a lot about your personality type. It is really very interesting. I think that the most interesting theory about INFJs of all is the "Door Slam Theory". I did not know this was a thing until I began researching the personality type, but it made a lot of sense to me.
The "Door Slam Theory" says that INFJs are generous. They will give and give and give and tolerate much more than the other personality types because they do not want the other person to feel misunderstood. It takes an INFJ a long time to realize that the situation is bad, but when they do realize this and cut the ties, they are done and there is no going back.
These are just the interesting things that I learned about my own personality type. Now, I encourage you all to take the Myers-Briggs Personality test and learn a little bit about your own personality, it may teach you a little something about why you are the way you are.
Follow the link to find out what your personality type is!