It's 2019 and rape is still one of the most common acts of violence committed in not only the USA but around the world. Although many are lucky enough to not have to think about the horrible details of rape, many men and women do not share that luxury.
400,000 rape kits left untested in U.S.YouTube
First, let me start by sharing a graph established by research from the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network.
*It's important to note most rapes are believed to be perpetrated by someone the victim knows; however, many times a victim will not be aware of who has attacked them, or they could be so frightened and disturbed they do not go to the police.
From this graph, I can conclude that an overwhelming majority of rape cases go unreported.
Of the 25% of rapes recorded, only 20% of that number will lead to an arrest.
When there is DNA evidence it has only in the last few decades become a practice to store DNA evidence indefinitely. Sounds brilliant, right? Store damning DNA in a safe environment to be tested when we have the technology.
Except--we have the technology and pertinent cold cases are being ignored.
Mariska Hargitay, made famous for her role as Detective/ Lieutenant Olivia Benson has made it her life mission to educate and spread awareness on sexual assault, and what we as citizens can do to bring an end to rape culture.
"To me, the backlog is one of the clearest and most shocking demonstrations of how we regard these crimes in our society...Testing rape kits sends a fundamental and crucial message to victims of sexual violence: You matter. What happened to you matters. Your case matters."
Actress Mariska Hargitay discusses the rape kit testing backlog with a congressional task forceYouTube
Visit to learn more about what you can do to help end the backlog, and support survivors and families of sexual abuse.