I do not want a rape whistle.
I want change.
Let's talk about the one thing that makes everyone cringe: rape culture. It is something that is pushed under the rug way too often when it is a HUGE problem in this world. No one wants to speak on it. No one wants to come forth and say, "Hey, I was raped," because following that horrible statement, you get told stuff like:
"What were you wearing? Were you dressed like a slut?"
"Did you say no?"
"Were you drunk? You shouldn't have been drinking around a lot of boys."
"Boys will be boys."
"I don't believe you. You probably wanted it."
"Did you tease him?"
And so many more things that make my stomach twist. How do I know? Because I lived through it.
I was fourteen. I was in my bed in my pajamas. The adults were in the living room drinking. He came into my room. He woke me up. He held his hand over my mouth and told me he'd kill me and my family if I made a sound. Did I tell anyone? No. It took me eight years to even be able to speak about it without having a panic attack. Eight years of feeling alone. Eight years of feeling like I had nowhere to turn. Why? Because I saw what happened to a girl that came out about being raped by her boyfriend. She was teased at school.
"Don't go near her. She'll scream rape."
"Carry my books or I'll rape you."
"If I pull your hair, is it rape?"
It was sickening. So, let me tell you what rape culture looks like every day so maybe one day, you'll recognize it and say something.
1. Supporting athletes who have raped someone and called the victim a career ruiner. (Darren Sharper, Mike Tyson)
2. Suspending a victim who came forward, but dismissing the rapist's actions. (Harvard, University of Michigan)
3. People who use the word 'sex' instead of 'rape'. They are NOT the same thing.
4. Saying that rape culture is a' theory over-hyped by hysterical feminist'. (Caroline Kitchens, a writer for TIME)
5. Saying that rape is 'not a cultural norm' and trying to downplay the problem. (Caroline Kitchens, a writer for TIME)
6. Using a phrase like "I raped that test" or "I'm going to rape you" to a spouse.
7. Memes such as the 'rape sloth'.
8. Movies such as "American Pie", where a group of boys plan a party for the sole reason to get women drunk to have sex with them. YES, that is rape culture.
9. Music lyrics like "First Ima disrobe you, then Ima probe you, see I abducted you, so I tell you what to do." (Kayne West)
10. Denying rape (Todd Akin):
11. Media having sympathy for the rapists:
12. When adults countdown to a girl's 18th birthday so she will be 'legal'
13. The fact that 97% of rapists will never step foot in a prison cell.
14. When 1 in 3 men are okay raping if it is not called rape..
15. Stricter dress codes for girls so that they do not 'distract' boys.
16. Colleges and schools not giving education on what consent is.
Rape culture is everywhere.
Your children will see it.
Don't wait until your child is a victim or a rapist to see it too.