A few days ago I was asked, "so do you believe in rape culture since you're a feminist?" Rape culture is real. Rape culture dates back to the 1970s. Rape culture is the culture that we live in. Turning this into a feminist only issue is contributing to this already dangerous culture.
Rape culture is being told all of my life that it isn't safe for me to go out alone. Rape culture is being afraid to walk to my car at night. Rape culture is wearing clothes that I hope don't attract attention so that no one can say I asked for it. Rape culture is being afraid to drink at parties because being drunk is seen as consent. Rape culture is when women don't want to come forward about an assault because it will probably not go in their favor. Rape culture is calling it the "friendzone" when a girl is not interested. Rape culture is rape jokes being normalized in school. Rape culture is real.
To act as though rape culture is made up by feminists or is a partisan issue is an example of rape culture itself. Don't normalize these jokes, the language, and the fear. Don't make women feel guilty. Don't teach women to not get raped, teach men not to rape.
Chris Taylor wrote, "Any time you put the onus on our daughters - don't wear that dress, don't get drunk, don't lead guys on - you're perpetuating it."