I just want to start by saying that every time I listen to rap music all I can think is: "their mother must be so proud of them".
Whether you love it, hate it, have friends who love it or you live under a rock: rap music is prevalent to every single person. Turn on the radio, it's there. While doing your weekend shopping in the mall, it's there. Maybe you're hanging out at a bar with some friends, it's there. Song after song, word after word, rap music creeps into our brains.
It is similar to the terrible aroma of those candles that you smell and get the infamous scrunched face followed by "who on earth would think this smells good"? The candle looks good on the outside but light that baby up and you'll have one nasty smelling house. Rap music starts with the innocent catchy tune that gets stuck in your head. Naturally it is followed by your unintentionally memorizing every single word. You then have the outcome of going through your day with the songs playing over and over in your head. Words and phrases that you wouldn't be caught dead saying aloud quickly become a part of your normal brain waves. What started with innocent intentions overtime creates some nasty insides.
Now I'll be real, in today's day and age we're all aware that rap isn't the only music with trashy innards. It is incredibly difficult to find new music with good substance. On a side note, there is some rap with fantastic hardship stories that I can truly appreciate. That being said, I tend to find that rap music is the type that has the ability to get away with a lot more vulgarity. In general it just leaves me feeling...dirty.
Some may listen to rap and not think anything of it. They see it as "just music" and not as something that affects the way they think, act or talk. Of course I'm not saying that because you listen to rap you're going to be hypnotized by their ways. What I am saying is that what you consume your mind with often manages to come out in some form or fashion. In the famous words of Buddha:
"What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create".
I think we often take for granted the freedom we have of choosing the substance with which we fill our brain. Every word or image that you allow into your head is ingrained in there forever. Like movies you can't un-see, there are also words you can't un-hear. Because of our surroundings we may not always have control of some material we're exposed to. Although, we do have the ability to determine how we fill our mind in our down time.
"You on your phone texting your friend to come f*ck, I wonder if it's the druggies with hoes or the millions of bucks".
Can anyone honestly say that those words can serve as any real value to your life?
(The Mind Unleashed)