I’m all for the mantra “do what makes you happy” and I have never really been one to judge, especially when it comes to make-up because I myself love make-up and wear it almost on the daily. With that being said, this new trend I have been seeing where girls draw in fake dots with an eye pencil to make it look like they have “freckles” has got to go.
I have been a bearer of freckles on my face my whole life and have even been made fun for having them in grade school, but only back then did I ever wish I never had them. I have come to love my freckles and other people with them as well, but these beauty gurus I see that draw them extravagantly in on their face on Instagram, why? I don’t understand this new beauty trend and I’m not sure I ever will. People are actually buying stencils and temporary tattoo freckles to put on their face or simply just drawing them on, claiming that it makes them look younger and more fresh faced.
In articles and captions under Instagram posts that I have recently read, they say that freckles are now the newest and best beauty trend, but those of us with natural freckles already, isn’t that kind of a slap in the face? I mean come on, freckles aren’t necessarily a “new" beauty trend. They have always been beautiful. Like many others who can agree with me on this, when I was younger I never wanted my freckles. I would have died to have the smooth “clear looking” freckle-less skin that some of my friends had and I even got made fun of my freckles sometimes. Now people are actually buying stencils and kits to draw them on? I’m confused.
Some will argue that they are just drawing them on because they like the look of them and it makes them feel happy just like I put on bronzer to have a more tanned looking complexion and that all is fine. I’m all for people doing that they want and doing what makes them feel better about themselves but I feel like this “newest beauty trend” is a little much. So for all of us freckle faced beauties out there, keep doing you and just know that freckles apparently are the hottest trend right now and we don’t have to spend a penny to get them. Some things I guess I just won’t ever understand.