What I am about to say (or write) is not meant to be grammatically correct because it is a rant. I am about to throw a bunch of words out there in an attempt to get some things off of my chest that NEED to be said and I know very many of you cannot relate. The following thoughts are about body image and why your weight shouldn't matter:
I will feed myself. I wonder what would happen if I ate these Oreos and milk right now?? NOTHING! I will NOT gain weight, but I will be very happy. So, why should I restrict these things from my life? I am a person of balance. I eat my veggies, my fruits, proteins, carbs, fats, you name it! it's included in my diet somehow. (Diet meaning what I eat because I most definitely do not change what I eat for anyone...Screw that!) Why should I starve myself and be miserable? There's absolutely no reason. I go on Facebook and I see someone enjoying a nice salad. Good for you!
You can recommend that I eat some veggies. That's fine! But don't tell me what I should be eating!
That is like forcing someone else to follow your religion. What I eat is none of your business and you shouldn't care as much as you do. I deserve to eat, I deserve happiness, and I deserve to live a life where I don't need to worry about what I'm eating to please anyone else.
To let you know, I am not a Victoria's Secret model, yet someday I wish that I could be. I was definitely made this way for a reason, though. I'm the only me that there's ever been and ever will be. That is something very special. When I look at myself, I am my own biggest critic, but I am much more accepting when I look at others. It is natural that everyone is going to judge. Where you allow your mind to wander to next is something that you have control over. Don't dwell on a person's weight the next time you see them. When I meet people I just think about how I wouldn't want to be judged by my size. I truly couldn't care less if you're a size 2 or a size 22. If you're a good person, that's all that truly matters. Who actually cares? Let me know!
If you care about the number on the tag inside of my jeans...you need to find something to do with your life!
We try to live by this cruel and impossible standard that we will never reach. Some of us have destroyed our bodies for a piece of mind that we never even got. But we CAN have a positive frame of mind that can change the way we think for the rest of our lives. Let me be the first to tell you: I like you for who you are! Not what size jeans that you're wearing! The main thing we need to learn is acceptance of ourselves and our bodies. It's going to take A LOT of work, but damn, it will be so worth it. Try to accept yourself, and DON'T strive to be what other people want you to be. Create your own plan to be the best version of you because it is so possible if you put in the work. You are beautifully and wonderfully made.