I'll be the first to admit that Tinder scares me. I have no clue why it does. I have friends who have gone on successful dates as a result of the famous app while I sat in my onesie, eating Ben & Jerry's, and binge watching "Gilmore Girls." I even know great couples that have come from Tinder.
So, imagine my reluctance freshmen year of college when my floor-mates decided to create my very own Tinder profile. Two years later, and many times deleting and reinstalling the app, Tinder is back and added to my nightly list of social media apps to scroll through before I fall asleep.
Tinder still scares me, but now I look at it as a fun, game. My bio reads, "Tell me your best pick up line." And lemme tell you, guys actually do message you what they think are the hilarious, best lines. (Side note: I also love to make things awkward, so of course I swipe right to anyone I know and hope we match).
For your enjoyment I compiled my dearest girlfriends and ranked the best pickup lines from Tinder.
1. I seemed to be missing my little spoon. Can you help me out?"
2. "I bet you've been looking for love in alderaan places because my grandpa blew it up."
(From a Tinder profile for Kylo.)
"I just got pulled over by a cop writing my first response to you."
"He gave me the whole texting and driving speech and was about to give me a ticket, but I showed him your picture and explained what Tinder was. He let me off with a warning that said I better get your number."
3. "Are you my appendix... because I would like to take you out?"
4. "I'm 6'3", hilarious, have a dog, and contribute to a 401K."
"What reason could you possibly have to not go on a date with me?"
5. "Well that wasn't the most appropriate gif..."
6. "Who needs pick up lines when I have Old Bay shorts and I put the Maryland flag on everything."
7. "You go to DU? Well i've got the D, and all I need is U."
One month later -- "So that was bad." Another month later --