A while ago, it was announced that the 34th season of Survivor, Survivor: Game Changers, containing 20 former castaways who have been known to change the game, is set to premiere March 8th, 2017. If you're a superfan such as myself, you know that this premiere date is later than usual. With that being said, as I am unable to contain my excitement, I have decided to rank this season's cast from who I feel has the worst chance of winning to who I believe has the ability to go the furthest. I choose to remain spoiler free throughout each season, so while many may already the results of the upcoming season (although there is no fun in that whatsoever), this is coming from a fresh perspective. Since this is an all-star season, we have all had the privilege to see these castaways play the game at least once, twice, or even three times in the past. My rankings are as follows:
20. Caleb - "Brains v. Brawn v. Beauty II"
This former Big Brother star went out early during his first season due to medical reasons. With that being said, I think he should stick with being locked in an air-conditioned mansion in Los Angeles instead of trying to stick it out in the wilderness.
19. Brad - "Blood vs. Water"
Brad is just not liked. He even had the opportunity to return to the game once before, but he could not get enough votes from fans. Everyone has seen him play before, and I don't think his tribemates will be able to tolerate him for more than six days, regardless of his physical abilities.
18. Michaela - "Millenials vs. Gen X"
We've seen her mouth get her into trouble in the past, and her over strategizing is what ultimately lead to her downfall the first time around. I just don't see her as someone who would be able to tone down her overbearing person and learn from her mistakes.
17. Debbie - "Brains v. Brawn v. Beauty II"
I'm a HUGE Debbie fan, but I feel that she was lucky to make it as far as she did during her first season. She doesn't have much to offer physically, and similar to Brad, her antics could get her into trouble early on. With her former ally, Aubrey, being on the opposing tribe, it will be difficult for Debbie to establish an initial core alliance.
16. Sandra - "Pearl Islands", "Heroes vs. Villians"
As much as it pains me to say this, there is no way that these people would be stupid enough to allow Sandra to win the game of Survivor for the third time. People would kill to win the game once, and Sandra is the only person to have won it twice. Her social game is incredible, but everyone knows this and there will be nowhere for her to hide.
15. Tai - "Brains v. Brawn v. Beauty II"
People have seen Tai betray his alliance in the past, so there is a possibility he will do it again. As we know, people who betray their allies don't tend to make it very far. His former ally Caleb is on the opposing tribe, which will make it difficult for Tai.
14. Malcolm - "Philippines", "Fans vs. Favorites II"
Malcolm will be kept around pre-merge to help his tribe with challenges and work around camp, but nobody is going to want to go against the "golden boy" post-merge.
13. J.T. - "Tocantins", "Heroes vs. Villians"
For the past seven years, J.T. has had to live with knowing that he made the dumbest move in the history of the game. I'm hoping he has learned from his mistakes, and understands that in Survivor, it's every man for themselves and you can't worry about the safety of others.
12. Troyzan - "One World"
Winning individual immunity challenges is what kept Troyzan safe last time around, but with other physical threats playing alongside him this time, he may not be so lucky when it comes to challenges.
11. Cirie - "Panama", "Fans v. Favorites", "Heroes v. Villains"
Arguably one of the, if not the greatest strategists to ever play the game, I see her making her way to the merge but I don't think her fellow castaways will allow her to get much further.
10. Hali - "White Collar v. Blue Collar v. No Colar"
I see Hali flying under the radar for the first few days, but I unfortunately also see her as a scapegoat as someone to get rid of when the castaways have limited options.
9. Tony - "Brains v. Brawn v. Beauty"
As we've seen in the past, it is very rare for a former winner to win twice. It is definitely plausible if you come back as a former winner and fly under the radar, but I don't think Tony is capable of doing that for his entire time on the island.
8. Sarah - "Brains v. Brawn v. Beauty"
Unfortunately, someone else who I see as being a scapegoat for later on in the game. Hopefully she will prove me wrong!
7. Ozzy - "Cook Islands", "Fans vs. Favorites", "South Pacific"
Ozzy is just not meant to win the game of Survivor. If it were solely a competition about surviving in the wilderness, there is no doubt that Ozzy will come out on top. But it is also a social game, and although individual immunities might keep him safe for a while post-merge, he will be voted out when he is most vulnerable.
6. Aubry - "Brains v. Brawn v. Beauty II"
I think she played well the first time around, and I think she deserved the win over Michele. With that being said, I see her as staying under the radar while overseeing plans, but being cut off right before the finals.
5. Ciera - "Blood vs. Water", "Second Chances"
Ciera will forever be known as the girl who voted out her own mother. We know she's not afraid to make big moves, as she let her fate rest in a bag of rocks the first time around. I see her pulling the same types of punches in season 34, but being voted out before final tribal due to her gameplay.
4. Andrea - "Redemption Island", "Fans vs. Favorites II"
She may not look it, but Andrea is good at this game. I see her as another case of holding her own and making great moves throughout the game, but being cut off towards the end because of her chances of winning.
3. Sierra - "White Collar v. Blue Collar v. No Collar"
I can see her using a strategy of flying under the radar, which is a strategy I, personally, do not have a problem with. Unfortunately, the jury rarely rewards that type of gameplay.
2. Zeke - "Millenials vs. Gen X"
Zeke is smart, and he knows the game. He is coming off of last season, and hasn't had much of a break like the other castaways. This can either help or hurt him, but with others not seeing his previous season, he may be able to use his former tactics while going unnoticed.1. Jeff - "Tha Australian Outback", "Second Chances"
You might think I'm crazy for coming to the conclusion that Jeff Varner would have the best chance of winning this season, but hear me out. Jeff is unique in the sense that the first time he played was 16 years ago, while the second time he played was just over a year ago. He can now say that he has participated in both "old school" and "new school" Survivor, using tactics from both "schools" to come out on top. We only got a taste of what Jeff was capable of during "Second Chances", but that was just practice for him. He knows how to play now, and I think he's well on his way to coming out on top.