A Ranking Of Matthew McConaughey's Most Attractive Roles | The Odyssey Online
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A Ranking Of Matthew McConaughey's Most Attractive Roles

Alright, Alright, Alright

A Ranking Of Matthew McConaughey's Most Attractive Roles
Google/ The Wedding Planner

Alright, alright, alright. Ever since his breakout role in Dazed and Confused, Matthew McConaughey has become one of the world's most well-known actors. He has snagged the attention of millions of women with his wide-side grin and that thick-as-molasses Uvalde, Texas, accent that could melt a heart of stone. Guys love him, too. Probably because he's a cool dude who doesn't like his jeans pressed and loves college football. But, my point is this: people love this rugged, westerly man of Hollywood. In appreciation for McConaughey, and in appreciation for how handsome he is, I wanted to publicly share a ranking of his most attractive roles to date. I hope this list reminds you how much you love his romcoms and pushes you toward Netflix to watch hours of that chiseled jawline, because you deserve it.

5. Interstellar

Reasoning For Making This List: Okay, first, he's a single dad that loves his daughter more than literally anything. Like, you see him cry over her in this movie probably twenty times, and seeing that kind of sensitivity definitely convinced me that this movie involves McConaughey in one of his most attractive roles. In addition to that, he is a tan, rural farm native that goes to space to save the world. He takes that small-town country accent all the way to the milkyway, and he looks good doing it. Also, I'm not sure how someone can still look that attractive when wearing a spacesuit, but I'm not mad about it.

4. We Are Marshall

Reasoning For Making This List: I don't know what it is about a guy clad with tweed bellbottoms and a blazer that is the color that avocados turn when you leave them in the cabinet for too long, but I'm into it. We Are Marshall is the heart-wrentching true story of a University in Huntington, West Virginia, that suffers the loss of seventy-five of the school's football players, coaches, and staff members in a brutal plane crash. McConaughey comes in to take over as head coach, and we are graced with an hour and a half of his sweet dimples and talking out of the side of his mouth. He's persistent about unifying the city of Huntington after a tragedy through establishing a well-rounded football team. He usually has his hands on his hips, and wears athletic shorts. Touchdown.

3. Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past

Reasoning For Making This List: Well, first, let me direct you to the picture above. He's pretty easy on the eyes. His character is always well-dressed and ready to impress, and boy, does it work. In this McConaughey classic, he fights for the love of a girl that he has known since he was nine-years-old after having encounters with each of his past girlfriends, which falls under the cliche "bad guy turns good guy after realizing that the love of his life has been in front of his face the whole time." We hate to love it, but we love it.

2. How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days

Reasoning For Making This List: He's just a regular guy that loves going to Knicks games and taking Kate Hudson out for a date on his moped. He cracks a lot of jokes and usually talks to his girlfriend's dog about his relationship problems. This one of my personal favorites, so I may be a bit biased, but I'm sure that we can all agree that the scene where he's in a tuxedo is arguably one of the most beautiful things to ever happen in cinematic history.

1. The Wedding Planner

Reasoning For Making This List: Firstly, let me say that if you have not seen this movie, go ahead and do yourself a favor by watching it. It is easily McConaughey's most attractive role and I could list the reasons why for hours. But for starters, here are just a few: he saves J.Lo's life, he's a pediatrician, he's a great dancer, his dimples are honestly just incredible, he has sweet little quirks about himself like only eating brown M&M's, and he enjoys watching movies in the park. Plus, he wears these glasses that make him look very scholarly while simultaneously killing me. Another major factor of making this list is this quote: "I barely know you. I don't know your dad's first name, I don't know if you ever wore braces, or contacts, or glasses and I have no idea how you came to be a wedding planner, Mary. But I do know the curves of your face. And I know every fleck of gold in your eyes. I know that the night at the park was the best time I've ever had." Ugh.

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