1. You Don't Have to be Best Friends with your Roommate
All you need to be able to do is live with your roommate. You don't have to spend every waking moment with him or her or hang out together. You just need to be able to have similar living conditions and respect each others stuff.
2. Best Friends Don't Always Make Great Roommates
Sometimes you and your best friend will make perfect roomies. But other times living together can tear you apart. Make sure you have other friends so you can take breaks from each other sometimes. Sit down with your best friend first and see if you have compatible living conditions. Are you both neat? When do you go to bed?
3. Don't trust everyone….
Everyone wants to believe that everyone is kind and won't do them wrong. But sometimes it's important to keep some things to yourself. Don't be too open with everyone on campus, not everyone can be trusted.
4. ….But Trust a Lot of People
Everyone wants to make friends in college. Don't close yourself off from the world. Having fun and making friends is worth opening up and putting yourself out there, even if you're shy.
5. When your High School Teachers said "You won't get away with this in college" That's Not Necessarily True
Some teachers in high school may have said to you "I'll let it slide but your professors won't let you do that in college." In reality, some professors are super chill. Of course it depends on the professor, but many of them act the same way as high school teachers, and others are even chiller!
6. You May Become Friends with People You'd Never Imagine
You're friends in college may turn out to be totally different than your friends at home. You don't necessarily have to look for people that are similar to your friends at home. Branch out!
7. Laundry Actually Does Need to be Separated by Color
If you've never done laundry on your own before, you will quickly learn that you actually do need to follow the laundry rules/tips everyone has told you. The colors will actually leak.
8. You Do Have an Alcohol Limit
You may think you're invincible and you won't blackout or throw up…. but you will. Everyone definitely has a limit.
9. These Really Are Amazing Years
As I am beginning my senior year, I keep remembering my freshmen year. There are so many great memories that I didn't realize I would remember 3 years later. So have fun, take a lot of pictures, and make a lot of memories.