All she knew was that she had changed.
She was no longer
the scared girl
who didn’t know
or anything,
but instead someone
who didn’t recognize
her past self
She still had
inside herself,
but she also had
It’s Okay
It’s okay to not know what you’re doing
It’s okay to ask for help
It’s okay to break down
It’s okay to need help picking up the pieces
It’s okay to want a hug
It’s okay to need strength
It’s okay to be fragile
It’s okay
Past the Bend
She realized that
it’s not the sum
of events
in your life
that determine
how you experience it,
but instead
it’s how we each
to perceive those events.
has a positive light
at the end of
it’s proverbial tunnel,
you just have
to look past
the bend.
Her eyes sparkled
with unfettered joy
as she cast her eyes
upon the stars
within her lover’s gaze.
Happiness overcame her, and
in the blink of an eye
it was gone.
That was so long ago,
she thought to herself,
but still
I miss
those eyes.
Dare he Speak?
There was something
within her gaze
that couldn’t be
Was it the sparkle
of mischief, the glint
of steel, the bedazzling
of wonder, or the shine
of happiness,
he asked himself.
Or something else altogether, perhaps.
Maybe, just maybe,
it was the depths
of unknown possibility
dancing in her eyes.
Dare he speak?